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Silver Shark Ilona Andrews 6060K 2023-08-31

A deep underground roar round underneath the on them like a massive hand Suddenly the round dropped off in a sheer cliff

They stood on the edge of a wide grassy plateau A low sound of a gong rang through the world In the distance a bright star winked, then another, and another Psychers logging in

"Cute," Venturo said

The realization washed over her "DDS Pelori ca to buy me He had sensed the shel on my mind They must’ve put a code trap onured," Ven said "Attacking Guardian was too risky Castil ain and alone you’d be the perfect target"

"We can groings and glide down off the cliff,"

Claire said

He shook his enor to finish this once and for all But you want to go -"

"Are you joking? You couldn’t drag me away"

The cloud of dust parted and she saw thee canine and a flightless bird with a fiery plu her fangs Fire sheathed Ven

The monsters were almost upon theue

From: Lienne Escana

To: Malvina Escana

Malvi, I know you won’t believe it, but your son final y found soirl, Grade A psycher, perfect manners, you’l love her Apparently Castil a had the stupidity to attack the two of theh DDS It was brutal DDS is stil recovering and their stock has fal en 32 I’d give you the details, but they refuse to talk about it during the work day and at night they hole up in his apartment, drink pink wine, and have sex like two rabid monkeys

Anyway, if you want Venturo toconference set up on Monday, and if we aet theest you et this

Your Loving Sister,
