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The Hunt Andrew Fukuda 31940K 2023-08-31

Their fi shlike ability to maneuver in water testifi es to the relative lack of evolutionary progress froe Think, too, of their beastlike ability to endure the sun’s rays This ability to withstand sunlight is a ge ne tic relic fro anience to seek shelter in caves They built up a resis tance to the sun, although said re sis tance inhibited the evolutionary development of the brain A shame, that"

His words fl oat tonear the back of the lecture hal , as distanced froe of clothes (while ed away at my door), but I’-- everyone is stationary, no one twitching I got through breakfast, early eve ning lectures, and a tour of the grounds, lunch, without anyone noticing A largeto the left of the podiu steadily in, dissipating any odor inside So I hope

"Their facial expressions-- so slippery with unrestrained and unfettered ee era, when expressions served as a kind of sign language Next slide"

A photo of the legs of a male heper, covered in hair

Everyone leans forward Drool starts to line slowly doard fro to desktops

"A vestigial ge ne tic artifact fro the discovery of fi re Without the capability to build fi re, hair was their only mechanism to ward off the winter cold Elite scholars have postulated that this evidence of body hair predates even the stone era, when primitives would have been able to fashion rudimentary weapons to hunt and then use fur for clothes I have written a book on this topic, the fi rst in my fi eld to postulate this noel - supported theory

Next slide"

A photo of a heper eating a fruit, red skinned with yel ow substance inside I see heads fl inch back in revulsion

"Ah, yes Quite inexplicable, this trait, to say nothing of it ghast-liness It bespeaks their lack of predatory skil s, their inability to really kil anything larger than vers that do not fl ee: the things of the earth, vegetables and fruits

This trait in time became in extremis to the extent that their bodies eventual y required fruit and vegetables Deprive thein to break down Reddish spots appear on their bodies, sores attack their lips, then gu eventual y to the loss of teeth They becoetative state Next slide"

A photo of the group of hepers under the Do around a campfi re, theirhas uiled scholars as much as the hepers’ ability to warble their voices ords, and with such remarkable consistency Studies undertaken at the Institute have found that hepers are able to duplicate these ululations-- what they cal ‘singing’-- with astonishing accuracy In fact, a song can be replicatedwith near identical sonic frequencies There are a plethora of theories out there; none are satisfactory save one, which I presented at the Annual Conference on Heper Studies last year In short, hepers developed this ‘singing’ ability under the etables and fruits That is e see the to the far fruit off trees So’ helps to sustain the burning of a fi re and to cleanse the body better This is evinced in their tendency to warble their voices when asse at the pond"

I sit inthe Director says about hepers has the ring of truth and a learned authority about it, but I suspect it’s nothing more than speculative nonsense I suppose it’s easy to so widely miss the mark when it comes to hepers, to quickly slide from honest scientifi c inquiry to unsubstantiated theories

After all , if the roles were reversed and it was people who becaerations and distortions: instead of sleeping in sleep- holds, they’d sleep in coffi ns; creatures of the night, they’d be so invisible to the eye that even in front of mirrors, they’d lack a refl ection; pale and es who could coexist peaceful y alongside hepers, so hepers to ribbons and sucking down their blood; they’d al invariably be incredibly good- looking with perfect hair

There’d probably be soht confabulations as wel : their ability to sith dizzying speed under water; and ludicrous and laughable notions about people- heper romances

Ts in front of me, Phys Ed’s head suddenly twitches violently backward A short line of saliva fl ies off his fangs and swings upward, splatting across his face diagonal y

He shakes his head

"Pardon me," he murmurs

The Director stares at hirotesque tendency to leak et hot or are under stress Under these extree aion, which itself, especial y in male adults, contains a nest of body hair It is coain "Sorry, sorry," he says, "didn’t mean to interrupt But can no one else smel it?

Heper odor?" He turns around, and for one awful moment, his eyes settle on mine

"Don’t you?"