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Chapter 1
Maybe getting drunk and dressing up like a pirate for the masquerade was a bad idea
Okay, definitely a bad idea At least the pirate part
I stared openly at the girl standing in line next toin htly fuller than the top Or it could’ve been a pout Either way, it was the kind of lip that begged to be between ot that ridiculously curvy body into a skintight golden cat suit, but I was all for helping her get out of it
I leaned toward her “Meow”
Best come-on line ever
She assessed h a slim, black mask “If you ask to rub my belly or make any of the obvious body-part jokes, I’ll steal your sword and you’ll leave here needing a peg leg Or worse Got it, sailor?”
“Aye, aye, Captain” I gave her an enthusiastic salute
She turned her back toher neck to check the progress of the line The rear vieas so spectacular, I considered not saying anything else to her until ere inside so I could enjoy it in peace
But she caught
“You are dressed like a cat, right? Or a tiger?” I said quickly, the words slurring a little Everything in my line of vision shifted to the left “Are you here for the masquerade?”
“No I regularly walk the streets of Ivy Springs dressed like a jungle animal”
“Rawr” I pretended to swipe her with iinary claws and hissed
No response
I restedoffit back on It felt cockeyed Or maybe that was just my brain