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Frognapped Angie Sage 16530K 2023-08-31


The Spookie Shark Shoas a like it Wanda got the spotlight working and the frogs opened the show I could see why Barry was so upset about losing his frogs because they are very talented, particularly when you consider how stupid the average frog can be Barryhours--al Wanda to be a detective

The frogs leapfrogged all the way around the fish tank as though they had been prac- ticing for weeks Wanda trained the spotlight on theot clever and started changing the col- ors so that one ht red, then pur- ple I had watched Barry with his frogs tons of times so luckily I knew all the stuff they could do They did:

The Leaning Frog Tower The Triple-Frog Pogo Stick The Double-Frog Cartwheel The Four-Frog Catapult It was just perfect--until they fell in the fish tank and Wanda had to go in and get theht that that was part of the show Wanda s and threw them back into the bucket Then, just to show that we had meant to do that, I held the bucket up and bowed

Everyone clapped so I bowed again Meanwhile Wanda was trying to get out of the fish tank, but she only has short little arms and she couldn’t pull herself up "Araet out " But I didn’t think that was such a great idea as the croas enjoying it and I could tell it would be a really dramatic moment for the shark to come in

I rushed over to the striped curtain at the end of the tank where Sir Horace aiting "Sir Horace!" I whispered "It’s tiy Juet rusty, " it said "No you won’t You’re not wearing your armor--remember? And you’ve alanted to learn to swim, haven’t you?" "Have I?" "Yes, you have Just think how useful it would have been So now’s your chance " And before he had tie splash and the shark landed in the tank The audience screa

Wanda screareat because itIt was fantastic It really looked as though Wanda was being chased by a shark The trou- ble was that I had forgotten about Brenda As soon as Brenda saw the shark she raced up and fished Wanda out with the frog net The audi- ence loved it Wanda sat on the edge of the tank cough- ing and spluttering and looking gru into it The audi- ence cheered and whistled and Brenda did a curtsey And then she did another one And another Since Brenda was stealing the show I told Sir Horace, "You can come out now " He floated up out of the fish tank and stood on the ledge Everyone screamed! Brenda’s eyes nearly popped out of her head and she keeled over with a great big thuht I would say that Nurse Watkins was useful--but she was She rushed onto the stage with her little black nurse’s bag (the one she had stolen the frogs in) and lifted Brenda’s feet up above her head It was very drae cheer and Nurse Watkins took a bow as if she did that kind of thing every day I suppose it re matches she had won People say that you have to leave a croanting aphone and announced, "Ladies and gentlemen, the Spookie Shark Show is over "

A big disappointed "Aaaah" went up fro because that is what you do when you are running a really successful fish show "Please give a big hand for Barry Wizzard’s frogs!" I said Everyone clapped and whistled "Also Wanda and Brenda Wizzard, Sir Horace the Shark, and last but not least, Nurse Watkins!" Everyone cheered and cheered I thought they would never stop I waited for someone to thank me, which is what they should have done, but no one did, so I said, "And I am Araminta Spookie This was the Spookie Shark Show Thank you!" People whistled and stamped and clapped and I took a bow And then I took another

And another It was fantastic I think I shall probably consider running fish shows as a serious career option fro Soon everyone was trooping out of the tent, the adultsfor ice crea over us Uncle Drac was s frown and her eyebrows ry caterpillars I could see a serious Aunt Tabby ot in first "Aunt Tabby, you have to meet me and Wanda at the ticket office in tenBarry’s van " "Ara anywhere--"

Aunt Tabby started, but we didn’t hear the rest I had the frog bucket in one hand and Wanda’s wet paw in the other and ere off, heading for the ticket office