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Frognapped Angie Sage 41400K 2023-08-31


It is a that only one of us fell to pieces on the way to the beach Wanda spent the whole ti to be sick and I buood detective is always on duty and Iout the hen we passed Old Morris’sI did because there were tons of clues just hanging around outside, waiting for a good detective to find them

First: There was Nurse Watkins’s bike leaning against the gate

Second: There was Old Morris He was carrying a large red bucket that looked suspi- ciously like it was full of frogs Okay, I couldn’t actually see any frogs because at that very moment Brenda went around a corner on theels, Aunt Tabby screa rattly happened to Sir Horace Third: The sign outside the er said:

FitzMaurice Preht

Inquire Within Now it said:

Morris Water s WonderlanD H89-= Anything Aqua tic, It’s Automatic We Have It We Have It !!!!!

Fourth: Guess what the exclas And how ht Five I was just about to explain all this to my sidekick--as at the time underneath a pile of beach towels--when the van screeched to a halt and my sidekick landed on top oflot

Aunt Tabby threw open the door to the back of the van and peered in She looked pale and her glasses were falling off her nose She was not in a good et in here?" "Araet in, " said Wanda "He didn’t want to " "I did not, " I said "And yes he did So there " Wanda snorted in what she thought was a disdainful way but that onlyYou , but that was because due to Brenda’s driving, his head had fallen off I fished his head out from underneath the beach u Sir Horace’s head on now; if you get it right it goes back with a little click

I listened for the click but nothing happened, so I just squashed it down a bit htened up the bolts on his shoul- ders "Better now?" I asked hiroaned "No, " he said

"Headache " "Let , she pulled Sir Horace’s head off--which is very rude, as you should always ask someone first before you pull their head off Then she put his head back and it went on with a little click Huh "Better now?" asked Miss Spants "Perfect, " said Sir Horace "Sir Horace will have to stay here, " Aunt Tabby said, as she pulled out all the beach clutter from the back of the van

"He can’t come to the beach " "I have no desire whatsoever to venture onto the sands, Tabitha, " boo " Aunt Tabby loaded Brenda and Wanda up with all the stuff and watched theer off to the beach Then she slammed the van door shut Sir Horace peered out of the win- doas he going to get out of the van now? "Come on, Araminta, " said Aunt Tabby briskly "Leave Sir Horace in peace " She set off across the parking lot "Come on, Araminta!" I slowly followed Aunt Tabby, and when she had climbed down the steps onto the beach and taken her shoes off I suddenly said, "Oh shoot! I forgot et it " "No need, I’ve got some tissues, " she said "But it’s my special hanky, " I said "What special hanky?" asked Aunt Tabby -67- suspiciously "You don’t have a special hanky, Araminta " "I do It’s so special that you don’t know about it " Aunt Tabby sighed "Well, hurry up then And coe striped umbrella near the water, which sees I rushed back to the van and pulled open the doors I don’t think Sir Horace was that pleased to see me In fact I think he was asleep "Come on, Sir Horace, " I said "I need your help Reroaned He heaved himself out of the van and very carefully stood up