Page 7 (1/2)

Leviathan Scott Westerfeld 36300K 2023-08-31

Volger switched off the wireless, and the cabin fell into silence The flutter of birds filtered down from the rafters of the barn

"You matter more than anyone knows, Aleksandar"

"How? I have no parents, no real title" Alek looked down at himself, dressed in stolen farmer’s clothes and covered with hay "I haven’t even had a proper bath in teeks"

"No, indeed" Volger sniffed "But your father planned carefully for the co war"

"What do you et to Switzerland, I will explain" Volger switched the wireless on again "But that won’t happen unless we can buy fuel and parts tomorrow Go wake the ive me an order, Count?"

"Go wake the hness"

"I know you’re only being insolent to distract me from your little secret, Count But that doesn’t h "I suppose not But I can’t give up my secret yet I promised your father to wait till the proper ti tired of being treated like this, never told what Volger’s plans were until the last moment Maybe he’d been a child the day his parents had died, but no longer

In the last teeks he’d learned how to start a fire, how to replace the engines’ glow plugs, how to track their nighttiress toward Switzerland with a sextant and the stars He could squeeze the Stores and into barns, and strip and clean the Spandauhis own clothes - another thing he’d learned to do Hoff dried athered while tra some unlucky farmer’s field

But most important, Alek had learned to shut away despair He hadn’t cried since that first day, not once His misery was locked away in a small, hidden corner of himself The only time the awful hollowness struck nohen he was alone on watch, while the others were asleep

And even then Alek practiced the art of keeping his tears inside

"I’er’s voice softened "But your father asked me to wait, Alek, and I intend to honor his wishes Go wake thelesson You’ll need your reflexes sharp for this afternoon’s piloting"

Alek stared at Volger another moment, then finally nodded

He felt the need for a sword in his hand

"On guard, if you please"

Alek raised his saber and assuer walked in a slow circle around hi Alek’s stance for what felt like a solid ht on your back foot," the man finally said "But otherwise acceptable"

Alek shifted his weight, hisdays in the pilot’s cabin had ruined his for to hurt

Pain was always Count Volger’s objective, of course When Alek had started his training at ten years old, he’d expected swordplay to be exciting But his first lessons had consisted of standinghian to quiver

At least now, at fifteen, he was allowed to cross swords

Volger took his own guard

"Slowly at first I shall call your parries," Volger said, and began to attack, shouting out the naain Now prime That’s awful, Alek Your blade’s too far doo in tierce Now go back covering Now quarte Siain "

The count’s attacks continued, but his voice dropped off, relying on Alek to choose his own parries The swords flashed, and their shuffling feet stirred up dust into the shafts of sunlight lancing through the barn


It felt odd fencing in far water and towels Mice scraiant Storod of war Every few er called a halt and stared up at theto find in its stoic silence the patience to endure Alek’s cluain "

Alek felt his focus sharpening as they fought Unlike in the fencing salon at ho the wall, and Klopp and the other ines to watch No distractions, just the clear ring of steel and the shuffle of feet

As the sparring grew more intense, Alek realized they hadn’t put on ht without protection, but his parents had never allowed it

"Why Serbia?" Volger suddenly asked

Alek dropped his guard "Pardon er pushed aside Alek’s half-ready parry and landed a touch on his wrist

"What in blazes?" Alek cried out, rubbing his hand The sporting saber’s edge was dull, but could still bruise when it landed on flesh

"Do not drop your guard until the other hness Not in tian, then sighed and raised his sword again "All right Continue"

The count began with another flurry of blows, pushing Alek backward By the rules of saber any contact with the opponent’s sword ended a legal attack But Volger was ignoring every parry, using brute strength to gain his ground

"Why Serbia?" the count repeated, pushing Alek toward the back wall of the barn

"Because the Serbs are allied with Russia!" Alek cried

"Indeed" Volger suddenly ended his attack, turning his back and walking away "The old alliance of the Slavic peoples"

Alek blinked Sas running into his eyes, and his heart was racing

Volger took up his stance in the center of the barn "On guard, sir"

Alek approached warily, his sword up

Volger attacked again, still ignoring the rules of priority This wasn’t fencing, Alek realized, this was ht He let his concentration narrow, his awareness extending down the length of his saber Like the Storth of steel became an extension of his body

"And who is er asked, not even a little breathless