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He’d told Taryn 7:00 piven the debacle that evening at Marco’s when she’d wanted to escape but couldn’t, he guessed he understood
But as seven had wound on to half past, the shine on his understanding had begun to tarnish At quarter to eight, he was debating whether to call to check up, stride into the party alone or forget about this reunion deal altogether He had work he could be doing Going over that football proposal, for one Instead he was standing here, waiting, waiting He must look like an overdressed idiot He knew he felt like one
Then a silver service cab swerved up She got out And Cole’s chest expanded on a deep breath
As usual, Taryn Quinn was all grace Her evening gown - a silver sequined sheath - fit her body like a high-fashion glove The neckline was a modest scoop, but as she turned to set her stilettos correctly on the paveh to hover on the edge of X-rated She spotted hi alone at the entrance of the inner-city five-star establishment and sent a little wave He waved back
Her hair always looked greata long bouncy blond river But tonight, beneath the city lights, it surrounded her face like a luxurious halo And those lips, my God Even from a distance, they looked tasty
Cole met her at the bottom of the steps
"Nice tux," she said
"What? This old thing?"
She laughed and so new lifted up inside of him "You said it was black tie I took a chance and believed you"
"That’s a stunning gown"
"Thank you"
"You look beautiful" Incredible
Her brow pinched as if she wondered if he were only teasing, before her easy s The cab took forever"
He threaded his arize"
Inside the ballroo sal Both he and Taryn accepted chilled flutes fro waiter As she sipped, Cole noticed the flute hovered longer than necessary, covering her s room
"What’s funny?"
"It’s just since you mentioned the navy, I had visions of scores of officers dressed up in crisp white suits and loves"
"You’re partial to a listened beneath the lights "Why? Do you have one hanging at the back of your wardrobe?"
"Hate to admit it but, as a cadet, I looked more like Popeye in my sailor’s suit"
Her head went back and her hair bounced around her shoulders as she laughed "Popeye? Well, at least you’re honest Was there a Brutus in your unit of cadets?"
"Sure Big, burly, shaving daily by age ten This guy’s better looking than his cartoon counterpart, though"
Her gaze veered to the left "Would that be hi through the crowd Cole grinned "Guess the shoulders gave it away"
Brandon stopped before the his head at Taryn as he introduced himself "And you must be the mysterious Taryn Quinn"
"Mysterious?" She sirl"
Brandon’s expression said plainly not And he was right Taryn was a beauty wearing office garb But in this glittering silver number, she could put a superh, infectious He couldn’t re beside a date in his life Those old feelings for Meredith McReedy were left for dead in the shade
Brandonthe roonized the woht up, then, on her toes, planted a sed, he just knew she’d left a big red dot
"Cole, we missed you at the last reunion" Meredith siven the difference in their appearance While Taryn calamorous, Cole wasn’t certain what had happened to his erstwhile love Meredith filled them in
"I’m married now Three children under four We’re the happiest little family" Meredith spoke directly to Taryn "You must be Cole’s wife"
"Not wife," Cole cut in
Meredith gave his lapel a playful slap "You can’t hide frohed Hi from responsibility That was a new one
With a "We’ll catch up later," Meredith disappeared into the tide
Grinning, Brandon raised his beer "Well, she looks happy"
Cole narrowed his eyes at his friend If Brandon was thinking about blabbing, Taryn didn’t need to know the background
"Are you in the forces?" Taryn asked Brandon as the ed and more couples headed for the dance floor
"I own a security fir fro"
"It can be," Brandon said, "when you’re on to so with substance"
Her brorinkled "What do you ets it into his head to chase dead ends"
"No stone left unturned," Cole reasoned, then saw Taryn looking between the tondering He changed the subject She didn’t need to know about Guthrie’s recent woes, either
He asked Brandon, "So, where’s your date?"
"You kno I said we have a love/hate relationship? Right now, she’s not feeling the love In fact, I think it’s fair to say the curtain has dropped on that particular union"
Taryn’s shoulders fell "I’ dance floor, Brandon sipped his beer, sed Exhaled "Yeah, well, she’sout Marissa loves to dance"
"You do, too?" Taryn asked
"With the right girl," Brandon said
"You never know" Taryn’s s "Maybe you’ll find soht"
Brandon cocked his head then shifted his focus to Cole, arching a brow as if asking per both his and Taryn’s flutes on a passing waiter’s tray, Cole gave Brandon a "she’s mine" look and led Taryn away for a dance of their own
When they reached the floor, Cole half expected Taryn to kick up a fuss,cheek to cheek was definitely another Instead, in her glittering gohich threw occasional sparks off beneath a slow spinning light, she stood calmly before him Gaze fixed on his, she waited for his ar her close
He was happy to oblige