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Page 22 (1/2)

Moon Island JR Rain 5760K 2023-08-31

"You’ve got that look in your eye,"

said Allison

"What look?"

"That don’t- onna-rip-out-your-throat look" As she spoke, she slowly reached over and gently pried ers from my iPhone The bottom corner of the phone’s screen was already cracked from my last conversation with Danny


"And that," I said, getting up, "is why I keep you around"

"You keep s and hurrying after me "Maybe it’s the other way around Maybe I keep you around"

"Sure," I said, and picked up ?"

I opened the French door that led fronificent kitchen I looked back at her "We’re looking for a killer, remember?"

"Well, I think we found him"

"Maybe," I said "Maybe not"