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Cadderly repeatedly saw the red ground of that distant world closing over the fallen wizard, ending a sad chapter of wasted, misused potential
"You had to do it," Danica said unexpectedly Cadderly blinked at her in disbelief that soon turned to amusement Hoell she knew hined, suilt for what he had done; he had found the truth as his father never had, Aballister, not Cadderly, had forced the conclusion
The s a candelabra "Castle Trinity’s soldiers are scattering to the four winds," she said "All of their leaders are dead - except for myself, and I have no desire to continue what Aballister has started"
Danica nodded her approval, but Cadderly scowled
"What is it?" the surprised monk asked him
"Are we to let them run free, perhaps to cause more mischief?" he asked
"There reen reminded him "You really have little choice in thepriest, for the threat to Carradoon, to the library, to all the region is surely ended And I will return with you to your library, to face the judgment of your superiors"
My superiors? Cadderly thought incredulously Dean Thobicus? The notion res yet to accomplish if he was to follow the course Deneir had laid out before hiht
"Their judgment will be harsh," Danica replied, and from her tone it was obvious that she did not wish any serious harm to come to the repentant wizard "They en nodded her acceptance of that fact
"No, they will not," Cadderly said quietly "You will coen, and you will serve a penance But with your powers and sincere desire, you have en, will help heal the scars of this war, and help better the region That is the proper course, and the course the library will follow"
Danica turned a doubting look Cadderl/s way, but it fell away as she considered the deter priesf s face She knehat Cadderly had done to Dean Thobicus to get them out here in the first place; she suspected then what Cadderly ot back to the Edificant Library
Again, Dorigen nodded, and she smiled warmly at Cadderly, the man who had spared her in Shilmista Forest, the man who apparently meant to spare her once en reth," the young priest answered without hesitation
Cadderly stood on the rocky slope above Castle Trinity, flanked by his five friends "You have ordered the up the rise to join them
"I have told the men that they will be welcoh I doubt that res, the ores, and the goblins to go and find holes in the mountains, to run away and cause no more mischief"
"But many remain within the fortress?" Cadderly stated as en looked back to Trinity’s uncooblins are stubborn beasts"
Cadderly eyed the fortress contemptuously He reht about to bury AbalHster, and thought of doing the sa thepriest fell into the song of Denier, searching for the powerfulto replicate the earthquake Confused, Cadderly pressed the notes, uidance
Then he understood His release of power on the other plane had been a reaction to primal emotions, not consciously conjured, but forced by events around hihed aloud, and opened his eyes to see all six of his co him curiously T