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"I grieved when the British Isles were destroyed," said Dr Oberhausen "Such a lovely culture, really So basically solid Immovable But that is weakness, also Continue, if you please"
"Plays bagpipes," said Ra: a Latin A with that, Johnny For certain aze to the ceiling "Soothing!" He looked back at the BuPsych chief "Why aet the full flavor of Garcia inthe latest morsel from Security"
"Which is?"
"That GarciaSecurity so hts"
Ramsey snorted "Garcia! That&039;s insane! As well suspectyou," said Dr Oberhausen "As to Garcia -- perhaps; perhaps not Counter-intelligence has turned up the description of a sleeper supposed to be in the subtugs The description fits Garcia Security alo ahead by suggesting that you be primed to watch Garcia"
Raraph in his file folder, observed the sardonic s shadows And that may be what the EPs really want If it&039;s carried to its illogical extre is first cousin to paranoia -- dementia praecox type"
Dr Oberhausen lifted hi "Do not say that to the Security gentlemen when they co: the co knives hich to carve you if there is some error on this mission"
"I have you to thank for that," said Ramsey "I take care of my own," said Dr Oberhausen "Fear not on that score" He waved toward the viewerscope "Continue with your studies I have other work"
Ramsey waited for the door to close, threw the file folder back onto the coffee table, took twenty deep breaths to calht, captured the folders on the other two crew e forty-one Picture of a tall, thinsandy hair, a face of sharp planes, stooped shoulders
He looks like a sht Ramsey How much of that is conditioned on his early desire to teach mathematics? Does he resent the fact that his hardcrust Navy family forced him to follow in the old man&039;s footsteps?
Father: Rear Ader in Battle of Irish Sea, 16 October 2018 Mother: Genene Cobe Sparrow Invalid (heart), lives at Walters Point Governe thirty-six Blonde? Childless
Does Sparro that his wife is unfaithful Ramsey asked himself Most of their friends are aware of it
Qualifications: navigator -- superior; gunnery officer -- superior; medical officer (advanced first aid and pressure syndroeneral submarine competence -- superior
Ramsey turned to the other folder
Lieutenant Coht Picture of a heavy-bodied man (just under six feet) with broavy hair (artificial wave?), aquiline nose, overhanging eyebrows, the look of a brooding hawk
Orphan foundling Raised at Cape Neston Hoht Ramsey
Married four times Two children -- one by each of first tives Maintains e relationship with nuia of 2021
The Unwanted, thought Raainst wo even with the ood; supply officer -- excellent; gunnery officer -- superior (top torpedo
officer of subtugs four years running); general submarine competence -- excellent plus
Ramsey looked at the note in the psych record: "Held from advancement to his own coms"
The Unwanted, he thought Bonnett probably doesn&039;t want advancement This way, his co in his youth
Ramsey tossed the folders back onto the coffee table, leaned back to think
An association of twisted and tangled threads
Sparrow and Bonnett were Protestants, Garcia a Catholic
No evidence of religious friction
These ehest efficiency rating in the service
What has been the effect of losing Heppner, the other electronics officer? Will they resent his replaceo! A case history with no apparent clues Quiet childhood Cale twenty-four; a psychotic blowup at age thirty-two It should have been someone like Bonnett The Unwanted Or Captain Sparrow The frustrated ?"
It was Reed, the constant tutor
"It&039;s three o&039;clock," he said "I brought a layout plan of the electronics shack on these Hell Divers" He handed a blueprint to Ramsey, pointed as he spoke "Bench here Vise there Wrench kit Micro-lathe Vacuus"
"Okay, I can read"
"You have to be able to plug into that test board in total darkness," said Reed He sat down squarely in the rattan chair lately occupied by Dr Oberhausen "To on a lared at hiet out of here before 1800," said Reed He bent forward over the plan "Now, concentrate on that plug layout This here is e You&039;ll be expected to find it the first time"
"What if it takes aze on Ra you should understand so thoroughly that it&039;s second nature to you"
"Yeah? What&039;s that?"
"There is no such thing as a minor accident on a submarine"
Co, slowed as he stepped into the cavernous, floodlighted glooe A finefar away in upper blackness beat against his face He picked his way through the pattern of scurrying jitneys, darting, intent people Ahead of hi rose above the pier; a 140-foot Wagnerian diva center stage beneath banks of floodlights
Instructions froh hisof the service, but you must remain alert for sleepers"
"In my crew? Hell, man, I&039;ve known theht years Joe Garcia and I served together before the war Heppner and --" His face had crimsoned "What about the new E-officer?"
"You won&039;t need to worry about hinal devices aboard your boat"
"Then why this gadget in my neck?"
"That&039;s just an added precaution"
"What about this new ?"
"He&039;s one of the best in the service Here, look at his record"