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Saranghae Imari Jade 36800K 2023-08-30

The jet landed at the Incheon airport and Cristal removed her seat belt and casually peeped out of the , expecting to find Masaaki standing on the airfield waiting for her to turn over her interview to hilad to be back?" Yi-jun asked her as he stepped out into the aisle

"Yes," Cristal replied "Not that I didn&039;t have the ti a hand to assist her out of the tight area "I had the time of my life too"

Cristal pretended not to see the lusty look in his eyes

Maybe he meant what he said, but as far as she was concerned it was over She walked down the aisle and then exited the plane with Yi-jun close on her heels The next thing she knew they were back in the limousine, headed off the airstrip

Yi-jun pulled out his laptop and began typing "I know Satoshi can&039;t wait to see you Heup Satoshi? "Yeah, I lad we made it back in time to see their interview"

Yi-jun suddenly went silent and powered down his laptop

"About that Ihas coet back to work"

"Aw, can&039;t you just put it off for one or two more days?"

Yi-jun shook his head "I&039; on h that I&039;ve shirked those responsibilities for a week to fly to Paris on a whied hi"When will I see you again?"

"I don&039;t know," he replied "I&039;ll be very busy for a while I&039;ll call you"

Their conversation ended at that very moment "I&039;ll call you" was the ultimate kiss-off A fewto the ates until the guards allowed her to continue down the main path that led to the door Five ot out

Cristal stepped out through the door, looking at theproperty She finally had her feet on solid ground, and she only wanted to go inside and escape to the privacy of her roo out Cristal&039;s luggage and loading it on a cart She wheeled it up the sidewalk

Yi-jun opened and stepped out of his door and stopped her before she followed Beatrice "Have fun for ht," he told her Then he kissed her on the forehead and stepped back inside the li her alone

"Stupid man," she muttered as she walked up the sidewalk to the stairs He could go straight to Hell for all she cared

The door to theopen and Satoshi appeared, dressed casually in a denim jacket, jeans and an Aomori T-shirt with the band&039;s picture blazed across his chest

He opened his arms and Cristal flew into thehtly "I&039; to hold back the tears "It&039;s been a long week"

He took the luggage from Beatrice once she released hi at the as scrumptious as ever"

"Thank you, Satoshi," the chauffeur said, bowing "It&039;s a pleasure to see you as always" She bowed again and then walked down the stairs

Cristal punched him playfully on the arm "Don&039;t tell me that you&039;ve done her"

Satoshi chuckled "Why do women assume that I&039;m like that?"

They watched the liet out?" Satoshi asked as he closed the door

"Because he&039;s a hed "Don&039;t tell ht you were getting along in Paris"

"We were," Cristal replied "But I think it&039;s all over now He had to get back to work, and he told me he would be very busy and would callI thought," Cristal said, heading for the staircase "I know a brush-off when I hear one"

"Maybe theher up the stairs struggling with her luggage "Howin Paris?"

"Yes, uy Yi-jun insisted that he buy me an outfit for every day ere there I swear I don&039;t know any man who has more fascination with clothes than that one"

"Then you really don&039;t know your boss, Harper Kehoe

Maybe I should introduce the two of them"

"Don&039;t bother," Cristal replied as they finally made it to her rooain It was nice but it&039;s over I have work to do getting you clowns to China"

"Speaking of clowns, the others have arrived"

Cristal opened the door to her rooe cart in and put it next to her closet door He flopped down in a chair while she sat on her bed "They&039;re here?"

Satoshi nodded "You&039;ll get to ht at dinner"

Cristal looked over at the clock It was three o&039;clock in the afternoon, and her body was suffering fro

"Dinner is at six Ichiro likes everyone to be on tiet in a few hours of sleep beforethe rest of the family "I need a nap," Cristal confessed

"What&039;s stopping you?" Satoshi asked

"I have a strange man in my room"

Satoshi rose and walked over to her "Does that scare you?"

Cristal rose, aware of the heat from his body "No"

Satoshi pulled her into his aret some rest," he told her "We can discuss Yi-jun&039;s stupidity later" He broke the e alone in her room, breathless and out of words

Cristal&039;s alarm went off at five She opened her eyes, reached over and turned the alarm off before it could disturb anyone else in the mansion Satoshi said that dinner would be served at six, so she rolled out of bed and headed for the bathrooorated her, and she was anxious to h her closet for soood impression She chose a casual but cute pantsuit and pulled her hair back in a ponytail She&039;d had enough of being the glamorous date of a hot movie actor for one week, and she just wanted to feel like herself Cristal checked her cell phone for es from Yi-jun She slipped the phone into her pocket and left the roo room as she walked down the stairs Satoshi waited for her in the hall