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Author: Robyn Carr

When he opened his eyes, the house was dark except for the fireplace and one light across the roo chair close to the fireplace, she was curled up, reading a book One standing laolden hair and the book Sometimes she bit on a nail as she read; soe He wondered what time it was, but didn’t want to look at his watch He didn’twould come to an end But what time was it when he dropped by? Two? Three? He had closed his eyes for a second and it had been hours

His storowled and she looked up She smiled at him He smiled back and realized she’d covered him with a throw from the couch

Laine unfolded herself fro down into his eyes "Well, Mr Gas Man, you have a little nap?"

He chuckled "Please tell me that’s in reference to my service station uniform"

"Well, you do snore But it’s kind of adorable"

"Only if I’m on my back You did very well on couch selection"

"Oh, I know I told you--it has to hug you Feeling better? Besides being hungry?"

"I forgot to eat I got busy Did I fall asleep while you were talking? Because that’s very rude and besides, I love to listen to you talk"

"You "

"I bet it was," he said, s her hair back over her ear "What tiet a shower"

"Upstairs?" she asked

He shook his head "Where I have a change of clothes If you invitea pizza?"

"If that’s really what you have to have Otherwise, I’ll bring so that’s not fast food"

"What?" she asked

"Be surprised I won’t disappoint you"

"I do like pizza," she said "But I also like so to do with food"

"You’re coain," he said She nodded and smiled "I like it Let me up--I want to make it a fast shower"

"You walked here, didn’t you?"

"It’s only a few blocks, but I’ll drive back here"

"Takework clothes because I already know, you work every day and you’re on call every night"

"What if I want to sleep in ly

"Last I heard, you didn’t have your own bed You have a rooerator and a toaster It’s very comfort-- Okay, I almost said comfortable, which it barely is And compared to your bed, which includes that nice, warrew serious "Laine, you don’t have to let ether I know you’ve lived alone, slept alone You won’t injure o hoes" Then she grinned at hi I’ve done "

"I snore when I’er’s at the ot into the shower and ordered takeout He stopped in on his way back to Laine’s and saw four people he knehile he picked up his clam chowder and Crab Louie for two Mac, Gina, Cooper and Sarah all sat in the bar area and after saying hello, they exchanged glances in a very all-knowing and superior fashion They said nothing besides hello; he ad And yet, he didn’t doubt for a second that even with neither hi a word, everyone who didn’t know about theone, Laine had fed the fire, put on music and set a table There were place mats, cloth napkins and even a candle And she was pleased hat he chose for them The clam chowder cah bread bohich she loved "One of these days I’ to make this--bread bowls But maybe for my steak soup or chili I love bread bowls!"

"Steak soup?" he asked hopefully

"You’re getting that look again," she teased "I’ll ood soup day"

"I love soup days," he said In fact, he loved it all--her couch, her soup, her sweet body, her passion, the sound of her voice, the blue of her eyes

She dished everything up, tossing the disposable containers in the trash in the garage, hiding them from view And while they ate, she talked about food, about how she had lived for those days her mother came home fro her favorite meals Laine loved to sit on one of the stools at the kitchen counter and watch her mother prepare food That’s when they had their best talks about cooking, school, friends, plans, boys Anything froes It was never planned In fact, there were ti plans because her meal was more important, just as there were times everyone else in the family was busy--but that didn’t deter her She h to feed as erate the rest She loved the aromas and the science of it The work and the flavors relaxed her