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NATE DETAINED ME on et to talk again You knoithout Matt looetic

Over the last five days, I sensed that Nate was giving h for Matt, or insane enough Casual conversations aboutsessions, after which Nate was aloof and broody

And as we cleaned the cabin, Nate periodically surveyed the wreckage and announced, "This is the way Matt is" His tone was always the sa perfectly

This is the way Matt is; take it or leave it

Nate didn't realize that I was already all in

Then, when Matt refused to seeclean the cabin and pack, Nate's attitude started to change

He began to talk openly about Matt's substance abuse

I learned that Matt had detoxed half a dozen times before He'd been in and out of hospitals and rehab He'd also been to courtpossession, public intoxication, and drunk driving, always handily evading charges with the family lawyer

Nate told me endless anecdotes about Matt Funny stories Scary stories I drank it all in I understood that Nate loved Matt desperately, and so we had so in common

I paused with my hand on the basement door

"Sure," I said, "what's up?"

I'd spent the last thirty minutes locked in conversation with Matt's niece, then Nate's wife, and finally adet to Matt

"Oh, nothing particular" Nate loosened his collar The guy ran on , cleaning, and packing, he didn't even look tired "I've seen hih this, you know It's important that he take his meds"

"I know I'll make sure he does"

"It won't be easy for a while, Hannah He usually needs so?" I frowned I was not equipped to rehab Matt, much as I wanted to

"Oh, no I doubt he'll drink That was very situational"

Very situational Very much my fault

"What I mean is, he may not seem like his old self for a while I'm sure you've noticed some of that already"

I nodded

"And he's not your responsibility," Nate went on "I'll arrange tickets for you two tomorrow, if I can, but if that's too soon--" He frowned He was having a rare struggle ords "Rather, you've done all I hoped, Hannah More than I hoped Please don't feel--well, you know I can keep hi for hie, archedabove the front door Afternoon sunlight war at him--his patience and seriousness--I knew that hefor Matt

And still, I didn't doubt for a moment where Matt would be happiest

No one could love hied with me

"Tomorrow is perfect," I said I fully planned to reimburse Nate for the last-et back to our lives, the better"

"My thoughts exactly, Hannah I'll move forith the tickets then You can run it by Matt, if you don't ain He's lucky to have you"

Nate kissed my cheek The brush of his lips was so formal and chaste, but all I could think of was Matt's jealous stare He'd hit the roof if he saw this

I closed the basement door behind ot downstairs I heard the shower running Our suitcases stood in the bedroom I pried off my boots and paced the plush carpet

Valerie see scheme She'd turned Nate's mansion into a dollhouse

The shower ran and ran as I paced

I cased the kitchenette There were sodas, fruit, and sandwich stuff in the fridge That would do if Matt got hungry Should I an to undress, laying my jeans and sweater overI didn't need a shower--I had one that --but I needed to be with Matt

I let myself into the bathrooiddy looking at that bathroom Valerie's princess décor ic here The rugs were lush, the towels fluffy and huge, and the sink brimmed with candles, lotions, and perfumes

I shut the door loudly to announce my presence When I drew back the shower curtain, I found Matt standing under the water, staring lifelessly at the drain Our eyes -like diffidence

He may not seem like his old self for a while

I stepped into the shower and eased uess we both like a hot shower," I said, rimaced and looked away

I didn't need anyone to tell me that Matt was mortified I had seen hily show me that

I also didn't need anyone to tell , I felt his stiffening ainst it and watched his eyelids flutter

Between guilt and desire, he was static I took his hand and brought it to ently and I moaned

God that touch, did he knohat it did to me?

"Matt, touch me I've been desperate for you, please"

My hands devoured his body I cringed as I felt ridges of bone

For the pure pleasure of it, I ran a bar of soap along his skin I slicked ers up his back and lathered shaan to touchmy shoulders, arms, and sides He watched his hands, never my eyes His cock hardened between us When I touched it, he covered my breasts

He lifted theue He touched ertips danced over rind onto his hand, but nothing could rush hiered od, I couldn't bear this slow torture