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There’s no ti of failure settle in before I ju to e for photos and interviews

"Don set this whole fucking thing up!" I snap at Darryl as I pass hihtly in his grasp I push past a few ca one a little too hard and knocking hi to o as I approach and he cleverly hides behind Olivia, knowing the rows are two s to put your hands onflee from their seats Olivia races forward and plants her hands on my stomach in an effort to hold le

"Seth, don’t It’s not worth it, don’t do it," she begs, tears still fresh in her eyes

More of the crowd flees, afraid to get hurt in the crossfire

The big guy takes a step back as security guards swar us back and out toward the roouards, but there’s too many of the hard and connect with the brute-asshole’s face He goes down hard and Jackson is crushed under the bodies of two large security guards Over the speakers, I hear Matt Somers introduce Don as a new contender in the MMAC After that, all I see is red

The security guards throw us into my locker room and shut the door My entire teaht and how the ref should have called it when I was s Don with my elbows It doesn’tlost For the first tiht and it was to Don Russell The thought sinks to loves off When rab the nearest chair, and throw it across the rooulp

"Get out!" I de any syh They open the door and the security guards let theh I wanted her to

"If you’re going to look atit to the floor and fidgeting nervously with her fingers "It wasn’t your fault, he played you," she says to , I got distracted and I lost the fight Now, he’s in the saue as me Now, I’ll see hi face and I just can’t--ughhh!" I lash out and punch the brick wall

Pain crepitates through my hand and I like it It takes the pressure of my chest


"It’s okay," I tell hi thick with ee as my hand aches in sympathy He whips around and I take a defensive step back

"It’s not okay!" he shouts, kicking a stray plastic chair halfway across the room I jump as it collides with the concrete wall and a loud slap echoes around us "What about this entire situation is okay? Are you okay with Don being in the MMAC?" He steps closer, his eyes flaring violently and I shakedown your neck at events just to spite rips ain "Are you okay with hiet a rise out of me?"

I s hard as my knees shake "No"

"Then fill me in Which part of this is okay?"

I blink rapidly as a hot tear rolls down o and confir tell me it’s okay I’m not a child I don’t need to be reassured with lies"

He reaches for his hoodie on the bench and shrugs it on He heads for the exit, grabs a cap with the MMAC logo on it off the hook and opens the door The security guards arch up at Seth’s appearance

"Where are you going?" I shout

"Out" He sla me alone in the room I stare at the white door, confused and hurt My chest is tight and I feel like I’ a corset four sizes too ss open as I sink to my knees on the floor Darryl and Selena step inside Instantly, Selenaarm around my shoulder I wrap my arms around her waist and cry freely into her shoulder

"O?" she mumbles sympathetically

I drop o find hi the door

"I didn’t mean to…" I sniffle and Selena pulls me close "It wasn’t my fault"

"I know, honey Seth’s just mad He’ll be okay once this all wears off"

I shake my head She didn’t see his eyes--she didn’t see how dark they were There was no love on his face, only pure hate She rocks me slowly as my mascara-darkened tears fall onto her pretty white dress

"Let’s get you home and when Seth comes back, he’ll be cal like a small child "You think so?"

She smiles, but even I can see her uncertainty "Yeah"

Selena drags me to my feet and I use the botto arm around me as she escorts me from the room As soon as we’re in the hallway, people have theiroff, questions are being thrown at ain

"Piss off, vultures," Selena growls, pushing h the noisy crowd

I wonder if Seth had to deal with them on his way out or if he just missed them They all seeh to avoid him

Selena drops me home and then heads back to the arena to find Jackson No one has seen hirabbedheld in a security room somewhere or in jail--he could be anywhere