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Despite these mental reassurances, she felt ill and weepy, and her chest ached badly The thought of facing Marcus nauseated her When she finished with her toilette, she looked in the ht to see the faint shadows under her eyes that betrayed her lack of sleep and hours spent crying It was best she leave the house for a while This was not home yet, it was very much Marcus’s bastion, and the memories she’d made in her history with the house were not pleasant She took a deep breath and headed down to the foyer
Passing through the hall, she looked at the clock and saas still earlyBecause of the hour, she was surprised to find Marcus’s family at breakfast She felt dwarfed as her tall brothers-in-law rose at her entry They were a pleasant lot, the Ashfords, but at the moment she wished only to be alone to lick her wounds
"Good er Countess of Westfield
"Good e
Elaine Ashford was a beautiful and gracious woolden hair the color of fresh butter and eyes of ereen that beca"
Paul grinned "Is Marcus still abed?" When Elizabeth nodded, he tossed his head back and laughed aloud "He’s upstairs sleeping off his wedding night, and you are down here dressed flawlessly and ready to go out, unless I uess"
Elizabeth blushed and s affectionately, Paul said, "Noe see how our beautiful new sister has led our bachelor brother to the altar Twice"
Robert choked on his eggs
"Paul," Elaine admonished, her eyes lit with reluctant a her head, Elizabeth was unable to hide her se of it, she’d had precious little time to become reacquainted with Marcus’s family But she knew froht-hearted, roup with a wicked sense of huood-natured teasing That he chose to tease her so inforht circle, and relieved soh physically of the saht and breadth of shoulder as Marcus, Paul had black hair and warer than Marcus and equally handsoer debutantes, by storm if he wished, which he didn’t Instead, he preferred to remain in Westfield Elizabeth had yet to discern why he chose to isolate himself in the country, but it was a mystery she intended to unravel at soe of Marcus with the saly enhanced by spectacles He was an extremely quiet and studious fellow, physically just as tall as his brothers, but much leaner and less muscular due to his bookish nature Robert was interested in all things scientific and mechanical He could wax poetic about any nued hined to speak with them At the present moment, that nose was buried in the newspaper
Paul stood "If you will excuse me, ladies I have an appointment with the tailor this morn Since I rarely come to Town, I must exploit the opportunity to keep abreast of the latest fashions" He glanced at Robert, still engrossed in the paper "Robert Colanced up, eyes blinking "For what purpose would I dress in the latest fashions?"
Shaking his head, Paul muttered, "Never met a more handsome chap who could care less about his appearance" He walked over to Robert’s chair and slid it back easily "You are co withsuffering sigh and a covetous glance at the newspaper, Robert followed Paul out of the house
Elizabeth watched the exchange with affectionate a both of her new brothers immensely
Elaine arched her brows as she lifted her teacup "Don’t let his surliness disturb you overe is an adjust away Allow yourselves to settle in without the pressures you’ll find here in Town"
"We intend to, once the Parliaested they supply With the journal a hanging weight over her head, they couldn’t afford to leave London Waiting until the end of the Season seemed the reply least likely to raise suspicion
"But you are unhappy with this decision, are you not?"
"Why would you say that?"
Offering a sad shast to have her torment known, Elizabeth took a step back "A bit tired, but I’ air will cure that"
"A lovely idea I’ll join you" Elaine pushed back from the table
Stuck in a position where refusal would be rude, Elizabeth released a deep breath and nodded With a strict warning to the staff to leave the lord of the house undisturbed, Elizabeth and Elaine departed
As the town coach lurched into motion, Elaine noted, "You have a fair number of outriders to accouarded than the king"
"Westfield is a bit overprotective"
"How like him to be so concerned"
Elizabeth seized the opportunity to learn more about her husband "I’ve wondered, is Marcus much like his father?"
"No Paul is most like the late earl, in appearance and disposition Robert is a bit of an ano, but the more reserved of the lot Always has been difficult to collect his aihts well behind that polished façade I’ve yet to witness hi his temper, but he has one I’m certain He is, after all, his father’s son and Westfield was a ed the truth in the words spoken to her Despite hours of physical intimacy, she knew little about the man she’d wed, an exquisite creature who drahen he spoke and shared few of his thoughts Only when they were alone did she see the passion in him, both his fury and desire In her oay, she felt blessed to know those sides of him, when his beloved fae and captured one of Elizabeth’s hands with her own "I knew the ether how perfect you would be for hied"
Elizabeth flushed "I would not have thought you would endorse o"
"I subscribe to the ‘reason for everything’ school of thought, my dear Life has always come too easily for Marcus I’d prefer to think your … delay contributed to his grounding these last few years"
"You are too kind"
"You wouldn’t think so if you knew the things I said about you four years ago When Marcus left the country I was devastated"
Riddled with guilt, Elizabeth squeezed Elaine’s hand and was touched when her hand was squeezed in return
"Yet you rown much from the man who first offered for you I hold no ill will toward you, Elizabeth, none at all"
I wish Marcus felt the saht silently, and not a little sadly
The coach slowed to a halt Before they had the opportunity to alight froreet the spied the crest emblazoned on the door, they were anxious to assist the new Countess of Westfield and reap the rewards of her husband’s largesse
Thepassed swiftly, and Elizabeth found a respite fro the older wo the maternal companionship she’d lacked all her life
Elaine paused in front of a hed at a lovely creation displayed in the