Page 19 (1/2)

Marcus heaved a clearly frustrated breath "Eat," he ordered

She stuck her tongue out at hiulped down her wine in an effort to warm the chill within her

They finished the rest of the hts Afterwards, they retired to the front parlor Elizabeth resu the journal while Marcus took off his boots and began to polish theed in his task, the light froolden halo around him As the powerful muscles of his shoulders shifted with his exertions, Elizabeth felt a fah her She couldn’t help but be re over and inside hers, dissolving her will in decadent pleasure After years of equani to control

With great effort, she returned her attention to the journal, but the endless pages of code were unable to engage her ly aware of Elizabeth’s heated gaze He wished he could lift his head and return it, but she would be e and that would destroy the co furiously over the worn leather of his boots, he stealthily perused her

Dressed like a peasant, she lay on the chaise with her legs curled up beside her and covered with a blanket Her hair was unbound as it had been all day He loved her hair He loved to touch it and wrap it around his fist Soft and unfettered in clothing and de

He smiled in spite of himself As always, he was both soothed and excited by her presence The world could go to hell around them and he would pay no mind, tucked aith no servants, no family Just the two of them

In separate beds

Christ He was certifiable

Elizabeth shut the journal with a soft thuazed at her expectantly Desire coursed through his veins when he saw her eyes, dark andHope welled She wanted him

"I believe I’ll retire," she told him, her voice husky

He took a deep breath to hide his painful disappointht, then," he said, his voice studiously nonchalant as he returned his attention to his boots

Elizabeth paused in the doorway, and watched Marcus for ahe would break his word and ravish her But he ignored her His attention was fixed entirely on his task as it had been for the last hour She ht," she said finally before drifting down the hallway to her rooainst the door, she closed it with a sharp click She stripped and dressed in her night rail, then cli her eyes, she willed herself to sleep

But oblivion was elusive Her ht to the next, re the coarseness of Marcus’s callused palth over her, and the sound of his guttural cries as he reached his cli and yet depriving herself was driving herinto her pillow, she wished desperately for her body to cease its throbbing, but she couldn’t forget Marcus, who sat by the fire, breathtakingly virile Her skin becaht, too hot … her breasts heavy and swollen, her nipples puckered tight and aching

He’d coh to ain Now it had been two days and she was starved for his touch and the caress of hisher hot She threw back the covers, her skin and hair daht in an attee The man was mad When he tired of her he would dally and she would lie at ho now, and burn for him

Damn him to perdition! She could do without him, didn’t need him She cupped her breasts in her hands and squeezed, a low s E, she still couldn’t prevent rolling her nipples between her fingertips and iainst her will, her body desperate for the nightly fucking it had grown addicted to

Near desperation, her hand s Her own juices coated her fingers as she found the source of her torment Her head tilted back and she cried out softly, determined to find her own relief

The door flew open with such force it slaht

Marcus stood in the doorway in silent fury, a single taper held aloft in his hand "Stubborn, contrary,into the rooht to "You would punish us both rather than adht in such a cohtstand and snatched up her hand, lifting it to his nose His eyes closed and he breathed in the scent of her sex Then he parted his lips and suckled her fingertips

Eyes wide, Elizabeth whiue swirled around and between her fingers, lapping her crea her limp and pliant Thank God he’d come for her She couldn’t have borne another moment without his touch, his scent …

"Here" He shoved her wet fingers uncere?" she asked breathlessly, yanking her hand to her waist to clutch at her night rail

In the light of the candle and backlit by the fire in the grate, Marcus looked like Mephistopheles hiy There was no softness to hi the relief you’ve refused me"

He tore open the placket of his breeches and pulled out the th of his cock Elizabeth’s ht of it Hard and thick, it pulsed with starkly etched veins Her legs spread wider in invitation

Marcus tilted his head arrogantly "You shall have to ask ripped at the root and stroked to the tip

She groaned her anguish He was merciless Why couldn’t he simply take what he wanted?

"You wanthis cock out to her like a gift "You want uilt Well, I won’t, love You set the rules and I gave my word"


"Witch," he threw back at her "Te it aith the other" He pumped his hand and a drop of cum beaded the tip of his erection

"Must you always have your way?" she whispered, trying to collect how she could want him and hate him with equal ardor