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The prince consort’s fingers stopped tapping "Do you knohat they do to blue bloods in Scandinavia?" A tight little s to overlook certain things for the greater good, so are they This threat froreater concern than a few individuals"

Will shot a look of pure hatred toward the in’ You’ll have to use so in his cheeks, he jerked his head toward Blade As far as he was concerned, this audience was over

"Not even for ten thousand pounds?" The prince consort barely raised his voice, but Will heard it

He laughed darkly The Echelon Thinking they could buy a old

He had one hand on the door handle when Barrons spoke up "What if the terms were ones that interested you?"

"You can’t buy e in the law?"

Will froze, hand on the doorknob

As if encouraged, Barrons stepped closer, his boots sinking into the plush carpets "If you help us sign this treaty with Scandinavia, then ould be willing to es or headhunters, Will We would outlaw pit-fighting if you wished it"

His breath caught in his chest, and he turned on his heel The five blue bloods stared at hiave hi "Why do you need ned"

"There are opposing factions in each caian clans are furiously adamant that they don’t need us, and there are one or two Council members of our oho oppose this"

Will took another look around Not only councilors who’d voted for Blade to live then, but the ones anted this treaty to succeed "And I’ian clans?"

"They’re old-fashioned," the prince consort replied "And crude But they’re also a loud voice in the Riksdag We would like to show that our two species can live amicably" His smile widened "And you are a perfect representative You would appeal to them immensely"

"I think ’e just called you crude," Blade ian clans over and see the treaty signed, then you’ll revoke the law that outlaws verwulfen?"

The prince consort nodded

"I’ll want that in writin’," Will said "And witnessed"

A slight narrowing of the prince consort’s eyes "Agreed"

"That ain’t all I want the pits outlawed All verwulfen that are caged or slaved are to be set free and given equal rights as humans…or blue bloods"

Another nod

"And the price on o as I please" No ht Free to go where he wanted Free to walk the city streets without people trying to kill hient hand "Would you like that in writing too?"

Will bared his teeth "Absolutely"

"That ell done," Blade said, hauling hirunt

Will nodded past him to Rip, ore a coachman’s livery and heavy cloak Beneath that cloak lurked an armory of weapons, as well as the heavy, mech arm that would dae hovered Tin Man, another of Blade’s leamed off the metal cap that was ood with a blade

"Take ’i Tin Man on the shoulder "Make sure he gets there"

Blade poked his head through the"Where’re you goin’?"

"Takin’ care of a proe," he retorted "Might as well use it for the night"

A long pause "Be careful"

"Always" He turned on his heel and strode back toward the ball Despite the overwhel presence of blue bloods, a small smile played about his lips

This tin of the duke or duchess anywhere

Lena growled under her breath and retreated down the hallway It wouldn’t do to be caught here alone As much as she wanted to discover h to start searching rooms by herself at a ball full of predators

Noise washed over her as she returned to the entry Keeping an eye open for a certain verwulfen she wished to avoid, she ducked into the ballroom

Time to leave She just had to find Adele and her ht--and plead a case of nerves Pasting a wan ses of the ballroo for them

A full circuit took her back to thewhite, as befitted a wo for a protector, but none of the white-gowned debutantes were her A little tick of fear started in Lena’s chest She wouldn’t have left the ballroom, would she? Adele knew the consequences of that as well as she did Here, they both had an illusion of safety

Unless…she’d left with so to take her as thrall?

Lena scurried along the s, peering out into the shadowed gardens Adele--cunning, sain Not without an ironclad thrall contract in hand

S with another ered into the entry The grandfather clock ticked slowly in the middle of the staircase, but the roo open the small rooht her with strong, pale hands Years ago, her father had infected her with the craving so that when he died, his House would not fade into obscurity Araue, but her House was one of the Great Houses After numerous assassination attempts she’d somehow survived, so the Echelon to accept her

"I’ for my friend"