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The only trouble with getting away fro away from it all

Six weeks of lazing around on secluded and luxurious Monitor Island, with nothing to do except eat, drink, and lust after the occasional hot-bod sounded like heaven itself And it was

For the first three weeks

But noith the fifth week done and dusted, the ithin hungered for the company of my own kind Werewolves are not, by nature, solitary souls We tend to live in packs just as much as our animal counterparts

My pack ht now only consist of my twin brother Rhoan, his lover Liander, andfierce

Especially Kellen He'd been here for the first three weeks, and the result had been a deepening and strengthening of our relationship Iafter myself, but it was an absolutely delicious sensation to have such a big strong anting to take care of ht have been as crazy as a March hare, but he'd also been a ho knehat he wanted, and ent to great lengths to get it Kellen was built in thatthan Talon ever could have been Add to that the fact he was a great lover, and you had an overall package that was nigh on irresistible At least to this wolf

Even so, I hadn't really expected totogether - and especially considering we'd probably spent ether in those months Of course, I kne that a lot of that separation was due to Quinn, the enigs for me ran deep - even as he usedthe people who had destroyed his lifelong friend and creator Even now, despite the feelings I had for Kellen, part of er to be with him

Because I had a connection with Quinn that I'd never found with any other man Not even Kellen

But Quinn was out of my life for the ret that I'd never condoned force in any relationship, and that's basically what Quinn had done when he'd used his vaht have been psychic rather than physical, but in the end, it was the sa that forced someone down a path they would not otherwise have taken was abuse, no matter how prettily the situation rapped

What I needed to do was forget hi he was ever part of it Even if the very thought made my soul weep

But the last teeks alone had leftto do except think about the people in my life and the events of the last ten et

I rubbed a hand across tired eyes, then leanedthe front of my pretty little villa unit

The breeze cooose buoing inside to grab a shirt, but in the end, I couldn't be bothered

I letthe foam hiss over the white sand It was a peaceful sound, as peaceful as the night itself, which made me wonder what the hell had woken me in the first place

Certainly there was little noise co from any of the other villas that lined this half-, and they'd been at it nonstop since their arrival five days ago