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"Oh, I believe he should at least step in and say hello, " Winston insisted "Perhaps have a glass of wine"
Bidwell glowered at Matthew, but he said with no trace of rancor, "as you please, Edward, " and returned to the parlor
"Coed, as he liestion"
"I&039;m full up with apple beer But e land, where he performed excellent service to the Saturn Cross Company and before that to James Prue&039;s Players I wish to hear firsthand about the witch, too Come, come!" Before Matthew could make an excuse to leave - since he did have aa certain French-drawn uided him into the parlor
"Mr David Sesture toward each individual in turn "The uilty decree to the witch"
"Reallyi Fascinating and rather fearful too, was it noti" S beside Brighton He had an open, friendly face, his s that he&039;d been blessed with a ed him to be around twenty-five
"Not so fearful, " Matthew replied "I did have the benefit of iron bars between us and Mr Bidas at ht have done!" Bidwell said mirthfully, also in an effort to take control of this conversation "One snap fro ehed also, and so did Bidwell at his oit, but Winston and the schoolmaster merely offered polite smiles
Mattheas stone-faced "Gentlemen, I remain unconvinced that - " He felt a tension suddenly rise in the rooh abruptly ended " - that Mr Bidould have been anything less than courageous, " Matthew finished, and the sigh of relief from the master of Fount Royal was al the wohtman said "Did they not attend our play, I wonderi"
"Likely not" Bidwell crossed the parlor to a decanter of wine and filled his own glass "He was a rather quiet one ht say reclusive sort, and she was surely busy fashioning her own acting skills Uh not to infer that your craft has anything whatsoever to do with the infernal realh not nearly so heartily "Soree with you, Mr Bidwell! Particularly a reverend hereabouts You knoe had occasion to oust a certain Bible-thumper from our camp this afternoon"
"Yes, I heard Reverend Jerusalehteous as well as the wicked Not to fear, though: as soon as he applies the rite of sanctimonity to the witch&039;s ashes, he&039;ll be booted out of our Garden of Eden"
Oh, the wit overflowed tonight! Matthew thought "The rite of sancti Jerusaleaol to confront his "ene you would understand, " Bidwell said, with a warning glance
"I&039;m sure he would, " Johnstone countered "The preacher plans to administer some kind of ridiculous rite over Madam Howarth&039;s ashes to keep her spirit, phantas to haunt Fount Royal If you ask me, I think Jerusalem has studied Marlowe and Shakespeare at least as much as he&039;s studied adaods, sir!" Brighte smile His smile, however, quickly faded as a ret the passing of another reverend, though Reverend Grove was a man who saw a noble place for theatrical endeavors I dohiood huood reason Mr Bidwell, I&039;m sure your community is diminished by his absence"
"It most certainly is But after the witch is dead - and thank God it will be soon - and our town back on an even keel, we shall endeavor to find aqualities"
"I doubt you shall find a reverend as a better player at chess!" Brightain "Grove trounced me soundly on two occasions!"
"He trounced us all, " Johnstone said, with a sip of his wine "It got to the point I refused to play hiame that took all of fiveout all his e, I was befuddled frohtlass "Let me propose a toast to the memory of Reverend Grove and also the memory of so many others who have departed your tohether by choice or circulass, participated in the toast "I do htman continued, sadness in his voice "a stroll around town told me how much the witch has hurt you There weren&039;t nearly so many empty houses, were therei Or burned onesi"
"No, there were not, " Winston said, with either adatheri" Brightman asked Bidwell, who nodded Then the thespian turned his attention to Johnstone "and the schoolhouse burned tooi"
"Yes" The schoolround before hters had been at all trained and a great deal less lazy, the schoolhouse ain, alan" It was obvious to Matthew that Bidas trying to soothe a terribly sore point "We o!" Johnstone snapped, his eyes darting toward Bidwell "It was a damned crime that those so-called firemen stood there and allowed that schoolhouse - my schoolhouse - to burn! after all that work put into it!"
"Yes, alan, it was a crilass "But all the as done by others, so why should you be so angryi The schoolhouse can be - and shall be - rebuilt" Brightain a tension had entered the room
"What you mean to say, Robert, is that due to my deformity I simply stood aside while others did the labori" Johnstone&039;s anger was turning colder "Is that yourof the sort"
"Gentlehtathering "Let us not forget that Fount Royal faces theof a wondrous new day! I have no doubt the schoolhouse and all the rest of the structures shall be returned to their forlory, and that those houses vacated by past friends shall be soon inhabited by new ones" Still the chilly air lingered between Bidwell and Johnstone Bright me this afternooni You recall, before that preacher storht find this of interest!"
"Yesi" Bidwell raised his eyebrohile Johnstone hobbled away to refill his glass
"Oh about the man, " Smythe said "Yes, this was peculiar
aabout I know it sounds very odd, but I found so sohtman asked Bidwell "Of all people, your ratcatcher!" at the mere mention of the man, Matthew&039;s throat seemed to clutch
"Linchi" Bidwell frowned "Was he over there bothering youi"
"No, not that, " S us, I suppose We&039;d had several visitors who just strolled around the cae, but I watched him for a moment or two, and then I approached hilass lantern that is used in one of our lass the way he turned the lantern this way and that I thought I had seen such ht I kneho the man was, yet he was dressed in filthy clothes, and he was so very changed from the last time I&039;d seen him, when I was perhaps oh sixteen or seventeen years old"
"Pardon ht "But who did you think Mr Linch ht have beeni"
"Well, I spoke the name I&039;m sure I sounded incredulous I said: &039;Mr Lancasteri&039; and he turned around" S whether to continue this tale or not
"Yesi" Matthew prodded "What theni"
"I know this is absolutely ridiculous but then again, Mr Lancaster did have an act in the circus that involved trained rats, so when Mr Brightman explained to me that the man was Fount Royal&039;s ratcatcher, then it&039;s all very puzzling"
"Puzzlingi" Johnstone had returned with his fresh glass of wine "How soi"
"I could swear the man was Jonathan Lancaster, " Smythe said "In fact, I would swear it He turned toward ht in the face and I saw his eyes Such eyes pale as ice and piercing to the soul I have seen them before The man is Jonathan Lancaster, but" He shook his head, his blond brows knit "I had not planned on htman I intended first to locate Mr Lancaster - your ratcatcher, I mean - and find out for myself, in private, why he has um sunken to such a low profession"
"My pardon, please!" Brightman said "I didn&039;t realize this was a personal ht, sir, it is very difficult to put it back in again"
"The saht be said of a fox, " Matthew offered "But tell me: did Linch - or Lancaster - speak to youi Did he seenition on his part as soon as I spoke his na to follow hiht be ashas I wished not to intrude on his privacy until I had considered if I was mistaken or not"
"Gwinett Linch has always been Gwinett Linch, from what I know, " Bidwell contended "Who is this Jonathan Lancasteri"
"Mr Lancaster was eer, " Smythe said "I had the run of the place, and I helped where my father directed me as I said, Mr Lancaster had an act that involved trained rats, but he also - "
The door&039;s bell rang with such ferocity that it e Before two seconds had passed, the door burst open and the visitor announced hi shout: "How dare ye! How dare ye do htman said, his eyes wide "The storm returns!"
Indeed the black-clad, black-tricorned ind entered the rooe and the cords standing out in his neck "I de his mouth at Bidwell "Why was I not invited to thy preparationsi"
"What preparationsi" Bidwell fired back, his own teer of explosion "and how dare you enter my house with such rudeness!"
"If thee wisheth to speak of rudeness, we ht speak of the rudeness thou hast not only shown to hty!" The last tords had been brayed so loudly the walls seeh for thee to allow such sinful filth as play-actors into thy town, but then thou forceth me to abide within nostril&039;s reach of theiven thy town up as lost to Hell&039;s fires that very instant! and I still wouldst, if not for the rite of just lay-ment!"
"The rite of just laymenti" Bidwell now exhibited a suspicious scowl "Hold a ht you said it was the rite of sanctimonity!"
"Oh yes, it is also called such!" Jerusale hot wind again for another bellow "Wouldst thou believe that so important a rite wouldst only have one namei Even God Himself is also called Jehovah! Lord above, deliver thy servant from such blind pride as we vieweth aplenty in this room!"
Mattheas not so blind as to fail to realize that Jerusalee in the prideful parlor Brightman and Smythe had retreated for the safety of their ears, Bidwell had backed up several paces, and even the stalwart school hand white with pressure
Winston, however, had stood his ground "What&039;s thein on Mr Bidwell&039;s private affairsi"
"Sir, in God&039;s great kingdom there are no private affairs!" Jerusalem snapped "It is only Satan who craveth secrecy! That is why I am so amazed and confounded by the fact that thou wouldst hide thiswith the play-actors fro from you!" Bidwell said "anyway, how the hell I mean how on earth did you find out the actors were even herei"
"I wouldst have rehtened had I not ventured to the play-actors&039; camp - as a man who loveth peace and brotherhood - to speak with their leader and then I learneth froluttony that Mr Brightman is here with thee! and I kneweth exactly what i" Winston asked
"The planning, as thou well knoweth!" It was spoken with dripping sarcasm "To cut me out of the execution day!"
"Whati" Bidwell saw that Mrs Nettles and two serving-girls had co violence fro volume He waved them away "Preacher, I fail to understand what you&039;re - "
"I went to see thee, brother Bright the other reement I understand that thou planneth a play after the witch hath been burned That evening, as I hear I e to the citizens upon the burning battleground as an observer of debased huuided sinners ouldst attend a pig-and-bear show than hear the word of God al the speaker Therefore I wished - as a peaceful, brotherly man - to offer up e delivered to the crowd between each scene, building to a finale that will hopefully enricheth us alli"
a stunned quiet reigned Brighteous! I don&039;t know from where you hear your faulty inforht of the witch&039;s burning! Our plans are to exhibit hts afterward!"
"and froet this infored
"Frohan ca She wisheth to afford the croith her breads and pies, a saive" Matthew had to wonder if that was the only saue
"In fact, " Jerusalehan hath created a special bread to be offered at the burning She calleth it &039;Witch Riddance Loaf &039;"
"For God&039;s justice!" Matthew said, unable to hold his silence an instant longer "Get this fool out of here!"
"Spoken as a true derin "If thyof God&039;s justice, he would have a second stake prepared for thee!"
"His istrate does know God&039;s justice, sir, " came a weak but determined voice from the parlor&039;s doorway
Every man turned toward the sound
and there - miraculously! - stood Isaac Teistrate!" Matthew exclaimed "You shouldn&039;t be out of bed!" He rushed to his side to offer him support, but Woodward held out a hand to ward hiripped the ith his other
"I am sufficiently able to be out, up, and about Please allow me room in which to draw a breath"
Not only had Woodward cliotiated the staircase, he had also dressed in a pair of tan breeches and a fresh white shirt His thin calves were bare, however, and he wore no shoes His face was yet very pallid, which made the dark purple hollows beneath his eyes darker still; his scalp was also e-spots upon his head a deep red in contrast Gray grizzle covered his cheeks and chin
"Please! Sit down, sit down!" Bidwell recovered from his shock and motioned to the chair nearest Woodward
"Yes I think I shall The stairs have winded me" Woodward, with Matthew&039;s aid, eased to the chair and sank down onto it Matthew felt no trace of fever fro from him the sweetish-sour odor of the sickbed
"Well, this is quite aotten him up!"
"I believe you are correct, sir a dose of that elixir thrice a day would surely awaken Lazarus"
"Thank God for it!" Matthew pressed his hand to Woodward&039;s shoulder "I would never have let you get out of bed, if I&039;d known you were able, but this is wonderful!"
The istrate put his hand on Matthew&039;s "My throat still pains me My chest as well But any i to make out the faces of two men he didn&039;t know "I&039;m sorry Have we meti" &039;
Bidwell htman nor Smythe stepped forward to shake hands; in fact, Matthew noted, they stayed well on the other side of the roolass into Woodward&039;s hand, whether he wanted it or not "We are so very glad you&039;ve colad than I, " Woodward rasped He sipped the wine, but couldn&039;t taste a hint of it Then his gaze went to the preacher, sharpening as it travelled "In reply to your co God&039;s justice, sir I e in all of creation and s Because if He were not you would have found yourself called to His courtroo bolt by now"
Jerusale reply, but he seeize for any reht have caused thee distress, sir It is not mine wish to offend the law"
"Why noti" Woodward asked, taking another tasteless drink "You&039;ve offended everyone else hereabouts, it seehtoing I istrate We both wish to hear about your experience with the witch, but as you ht well understand the ability of a thespian to project lies in the throat If we should um find difficulty, in that area, then - "
"Oh, I didn&039;t think!" Woodward said "Please forgive me Of course you don&039;t wish to risk any health cooi Mr Bidwell, thank you for a wonderful dinner and a gracious evening" Bright that any throat affliction er to know more about Linch or Lancaster or whatever his na in thehe would seek out Smythe for the rest of the story
"I shall join thee!" Jerusalem announced to the two men, and both of them looked further stricken "It seems we havetheseare they to bei I ask because I wish to keep a certain shall we say rhythnificent it is to be free frouests and the pest out "How goes it, Mr Winstoni"
"Fine, sir I can&039;t tell you how gratified I a so much better"
"Thank you Dr Shields should be here soon for ue to a cinder, but thank God I can breathe"
"I have to say, you seeerous point" Johnstone finished his wine and set the glass aside "Far past a dangerous point, to bethis, but there are so down the decree"
Bidwell entered again, and had heard the last of what Johnstone had said "alan, I don&039;t think it&039;s proper to ht" Woodaved a reassuring hand "I would be surprised if people did not say such a thing If I was cursed, it was not by the witch but by the bad weather andto be fine now In a few days I shall be as fit as I ever was"
"Hear, hear!" Winston said, and raised his glass
"and fit to travel, too, " Woodward added He lifted his hand and rubbed his eyes, which were still bloodshot and bleary "This is an incident I wish to put far behind me What say you, Matthewi"
"The saWe shall um have to discuss the future of the schoolhouse at a later date"
"That brings so to mind!" Woodward said "alan you should find this of interest In my delirium I had a dream of Oxford"
"Really, siri" Johnstone wore a faint smile "I should say many former students suffer deliriuht there, on the sward! I was a young o andof Great Tom, I presuets it!" Woodward looked up at Matthew and gave him a weak smile that nevertheless had the power to rend the clerk&039;s heart "I shall take you to Oxford one day I shall show you the halls the great roo the wonderful sular aroma of my experience was that of the bitter ale at the Chequers Inn, sir That and the dry aroma of an empty pocket, I fear"
"Yes, that too" Woodward srass The chalk The oaks that stand along the Cherwell I was there I swear it I was there as much as any flesh and blood can be I even found myself at the door of my social fraternity The old door of the Carleton Society and there right there before me was the ram&039;s head bellpull and the brass plaque with its motto, lus omni est ius omnibus Oh, how I recall that door that bellpull, and the plaque" He closed his eyes for a few seconds, taking in the wondrous ain and Matthe that Woodward&039;s eyes had grown moist "alan your society was what did you say it wasi"
"The Ruskins, sir an education fraternity"
"ah Do you recall yourit fronorance"
"There&039;s a fitting motto for an educator is it noti" Woodward asked "as a jurist, Iand yet to be schooled at the university of life, e noti"
"Oxford was difficult, " Johnstone said "But the university of life is well nigh iistrate gave a long sigh, his newfound strength now al It seems that when one is ill and so near death the past beco of one&039;s future"
"You need never ask apology of istrate, " Johnstone said hat seerace "I too still walk those halls in ivefor liniht to you all"
"I&039;ll ith you, alan, " Winston offered, and Johnstone accepted with a nod "Good night, Mr Bidwell Magistrate Mt Corbett"
"Yes, good night, " Bidwell replied
Winston followed as Johnstone li even more than usual on his cane Then Bidwell poured himself the last fes of wine from the decanter and went upstairs to avoid any discourse or possible friction with Matthew as Woodward half-dozed in the chair, Mattheaited the arrival of Dr Shields
The question of Linch/Lancaster was upperht be so to If Smythe could positively identify Linch as this otherpoint to convince Bidwell that a fiction had been created around Rachel Was it too ht be accomplished on the morrowi