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"God," she said "All the fantasies I had, and here we are, and it’s better than the fantasies Last night, when I packedthis"


"Oh, absolutely When ere first sitting around the table I thought, well, we are not reaching a verdict by five o’clock If I’m the only holdout and everybody thinks I’ sequestered"

"I have to adht you were Your face is very hard to read, but I had a feeling ere both on the sae" She rolled onto her side, laid a hand on his chest "You knohat else I thought? I thought, if we do reach a verdict, if there’s no way to stall without looking too ridiculous, then we’ll walk out together-"

"The ays do"

"The ays did from the first day," she said, "and I had this script written Like I go, I thought ere going to get to spend a night in a hotel And you go, yeah, so did I And I go, well, we still can, you know We’ve even got luggage"

"I do that sometimes," he said "Make up scenes in my head"

"Did you make any up about us?"

"A few"

"I don’t know if I’d have had the nerve," she said "To actually say let’s go to a hotel I barely had the nerve to come to your room"

"But you did"

"But I did What if I hadn’t? Would you have co for iven you my room number?"

"Three-fourteen," he said "I paid attention when you checked in"

"That’s how I got yours! And you got mine the same way So it wasn’t just e"

"Thatlike this before God, I can’t believe I said that! But it happens to be the truth I’irl, I went to parochial school, I don’t do this sort of thing I never once cheated, and believe me, I’ve had opportunities"

"I believe you"

"I picked you out the first day, but just because I had the feeling you’d be interesting to talk to Then at lunch I was like, he’s a nice ot to be, he’s a very attractivefantasies"


"Sitting across the table and thinking of all the things I wanted to do to you"

"Well," he said, "now you’ve done them"



"Well," she said, "not quite all of theination Who the hell as? I ht Inwood"

"I ot married But where I consider myself from is Staten Island"

"I’ht… oh, it’s an expression, isn’t it?"

"Right," he said "Show et back to my rooive anybody the nuuess I could stay, couldn’t I? Do you want me to stay?"


"Then I’d like to, because this one night is all we’re going to have You know that, don’t you?"


"We read the verdict and I turn into a pual secretary and a faithful wife I never did anything like this before I’ain"

"You’ll probably do it again in about twenty ht person and the right circuain But et picked for another jury so in the night I think that’s the way it’s got to be"

"I think you’re right"

"And you know so we could stretch the deliberations so that we got to stay here a second night But a second night wouldn’t be the same, would it?"

"Not to mention the fact that the other jurors would kill us," he said

"You don’t think any of theot my suspicions about two of them"


"Bittner and Chin," he said "A ht you were serious What a bad boy you are I think you’ll have to be punished Hey, what have we here? You really are a bad boy, aren’t you? I thought I was going to have to wait twenty ht’s sleep can do," Keller said "When I woke up thisit see the prosecution says he did I don’t think it ed with selling a stolen VCR to a police officer, and they did a good job of proving it I think the VCR he sold to Mapes is the same one that’s on the evidence table now, because a property clerkyou would use once for a special event, but who borrows a VCR and brings it back the next day?"

"Everybody’s got a VCR," so the defense’s argu in agreeht’s sleep would do, he thought, even though he hadn’t ed more than an hour here and an hour there It was just as well, he thought, that he was never going to see the woht put hiet the feeling our overnight stay cleared things up for everybody Unless Ms Dantone’s still harboring souilty," Gloria said, "but I wanted to be sure I was convinced beyond a reasonable doubt"


"I woke up with better perspective," she said, "just like everybody else And, if I had even a trace of doubt, Mr Keller cleared it up for me"

"We could share a taxi," Gloria said, "but let’s not"