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"If you want me to call the police so you can report it…"
"I just want to get out of here," he said "I need a cab, but I could drown out there waiting for an ehtened, able at last to suggest soht over there," she said "The hotel? There’s a canopy’ll keep you dry, and there’s cabs pulling up and dropping people off all day long And you knohat? I’ll bet Angela at the register’s got an umbrella you can take People leave the they never think to coister supplied a black folding umbrella, flimsy but serviceable "I remember that coat," she said "Green I saw it coo out, but I never realized it o different people co It hat you would call a very distinctive garment Do you think you’ll be able to replace it?"
"It won’t be easy," he said
"You didn’t want to do this one," Dot said, "and I couldn’t figure out why It looked like a walk in the park, and it turns out that’s exactly what it was"
"A walk in the rain," he said "I had my coat stolen"
"And your umbrella Well, there are some unscrupulous people out there, Keller, even in a decent town like Boston You can buy a new coat"
"I never should have bought that one in the first place"
"It was green, you said"
"Too green"
"What were you doing, waiting for it to ripen?"
"It’s so to be beige"
"You can’t go wrong with beige," she said "Not too light, though, or it shows everything My advice would be to lean toward the Desert Sand end of the spectrum"
"Whatever" He looked at her television set "I wonder what they’re talking about"
"Nothing as interesting as raincoats, would be , but I think we’re better off wondering"
"You’re probably right I wonder if that was it Losing the raincoat, II had"
"You did have a feeling about Boston, didn’t you? It wasn’t a stamp auction You didn’t want to take the job"
"I took it, didn’t I?"
"But you didn’t want to Tell ," he said He wasn’t ready to tell her about his horoscope He could iine how she’d react, and he didn’t want to hear it
"You had a feeling another time," she said "In Louisville"
"That was a little different"
"And both times the jobs went fine"
"That’s true"
"So where do you suppose these feelings are co a feeling this time, anyway And I took the job, and I did it"
"And it went smooth as silk"
"More or less," he said
"More or less?"
"I used a letter opener"
"What for? Sorry, dumb question What did you do, pick it up off his desk?"
"Bought it on the way there"
"In Boston?"
"Well, I didn’t want to take it through the ht it in Boston, and I took it with me when I left"
"Naturally And chucked it in a Dumpster or down a sewer Except you didn’t or you wouldn’t have brought up the subject Oh, for Christ’s sake, Keller The coat pocket?"
"Along with the keys"
"What keys? Oh, hell, the keys to the apart the down a storm drain before I went to the airport," he said, "but first I wanted to get soone"
"And the thief got et the uot keys and a letter opener There’s no little tag on the keys, tells the address, or is there?"
"Just two keys on a plain wire ring"
"And I hope you didn’t let therave your initials on the letter opener"
"No, and I wiped it clean," he said "But still"
"Nothing to lead to you"
"But still," she said
"That’s what I said ‘But still’ "