Page 34 (1/2)
"We were" Kelsey pushed E to hurtto hurt you"
They arrived at the edge of the quarry Gravel spilled down the long rock face When Emily looked over the side, all she could see was deep, infinite darkness She glanced over her shoulder then and saw Aria getting out of the car "Eed Ee, and E to do to Emily exactly what Mona had tried to do to Spencer, what Tabitha had tried to do to Hanna, what Ali had tried to do to all of them Except this time, A would liveand A’s victily at Kelsey "You don’t want to do this Maybe we can talk this over Figure it out"
"There’s nothing to figure out," Kelsey said in a deflated voice "This is the way it has to be"
"E closer
But she wasn’t close enough Kelsey’s fingers curled around Emily’s shoulder Her breath was hot in her ear Her whole body see to push E these were her last few seconds of being alive
"Please," she whispered one rip fro to the edge of the precipice She caught Eone She seemed exhausted and incredibly sad
"Good-bye," Kelsey said in the most pathetic voice Emily had ever heard There were tears in her eyes Her hands were shaking so violently they sainst her waist A thin trickle of blood dripped froe and took a deep breath
"Kelsey!" It took E "Don’t juled over the edge More rocks cascaded into the quarry "It’s too late I’ her words so badly E" She shut her eyes and took a step into the darkness
"No!" Emily wrapped her arms around Kelsey’s waist Kelsey tried to elbow her away, but Eth and ripped Kelsey backward They both staggered onto the grass Kelsey grunted, trying to break free Ehter Her ankle turned once round with Kelsey on top of her Pain cracked through her head and her tailbone Coldness froh her coat and into her skin
She blacked out for a few ue sounds of footsteps When she ca over her "Emily? Eer on top of her She looked around frantically, afraid Kelsey had thrown herself into the quarry, but the girl was only a few feet away, curled into a ball
"Are you okay?" Aria appeared above Emily, too
"I-I don’t know," E swarmed back to her The fear The certainty that she had been about to die How Kelsey knew everything Tears streamed down her face Her body heaved and bucked Her sobs sounded ht "It’s okay," they whispered "You’re safe now We promise"
"Hey," another voice said a few feet away E next to Kelsey "Wake up"
Emily’s jaw dropped It was Spencer She’d doubted Spencer and double-crossed her, and she’d couys?" Spencer looked up and pushed her blond hair away froirls to see Kelsey’s back was arched, her head was flung to the side, and her ar pumped with a million volts of electric power Bile bubbled out of her mouth Cords stood out pro with her?" Hanna screa 911" Aria pulled out her phone
"I think she’s OD’ing" Spencer kneeled down to Kelsey’s face "She ered to Kelsey’s bag, which was still sitting on the driver’s seat of her car Inside was the vial of pills, half empty "This" She showed the others
Spencer looked at theulch road minutes after Aria’s call EMTs surrounded Kelsey and iirls to step back E cold and numb Aria watched the EMTs with a hand over her , "Ohto be sick
After a while, the ath brown hair, walked over to the girls "What happened?"
"I think she was trying to kill herself," Euess she took too ulch"
The EMTs checked Eed up, she was fine Then they loaded Kelsey in the ahts swirl down the hill She listened to the sirens until the sound disappeared
A deafening silence followed Ee ravine This was the sao, just when Mona was about to kill her It didn’t seeain
"I’m sorry," Emily said quietly "I shouldn’t have doubted you"
"It’s okay," Spencer answered
"But I told her everything" Emily shut her eyes "I told Kelsey what you did at Penn How you sent her to juvie"