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"I sent the tweet," Hanna told her dad "You should probably head up to the stage and wait I’ll watch from below"

Mr Marin kissed the top of Hanna’s head "Thank you so ht uneasily She walked into the square, looking around Kids were still playing Frisbee Girls giggled over aat their phones What if Kate was right? What if nothing did happen? She could picture it: Kate, her evil cronies, and the band standing on the pavilion, staring out at an e disappointedly at Hanna, losing all faith in her Tostock of Rosewood Day--and her dad’s cairls wandered into the square, holding their phones and looking around A couple of the guys slammed their textbooks shut and meandered over, curious looks on their faces Two kids rolled up on skateboards Hanna caught snippets of their conversation: Is so? Did you see that on Twitter? Who posted it? Soet Sebastian He’ll know

Suddenly it was like a staed froirls in sorority sweatshirts gathered under a big oak tree plastered with carvings Sos shoved one another by a board covered in advertise services Everyone was staring at their phones, their fingersas up Gathering e When she saw the crowd, her ave her a triu her dad’s aides that they could start circulating with voter registration foran to play Thankfully, despite their ugliness, they were pretty good, and everyone started to bounce to the n rose in the air When Eggplant Supercar--they seriously needed a new naer roared into the microphone: "Let’s hear it for Toe and waved, the crowd actually cheered

Hanna let the sound wash over her body Maybe this would win her dad the election Maybe Hanna had a future in caement She pictured herself on the cover of Vanity Fair in a sleek Ar on Air Force One, wearing big Jackie O sunglasses

"This band is decent," said a voice

Hanna juuy avy brown hair, dark eyebrows that fra brown eyes, and a square, superhero-esque jaw stood beside her He wore a faded navy T-shirt that said HYDE across the chest, slim-cut jeans, and a beat-up pair of Sperry Top-Siders He was also standing close enough to Hanna that she could sne, her absolute favorite He looked familiar for some reason, but she wasn’t sure why Maybe she’d had a drea He was definitely hot

"Do you know the band’s naplant Supercar," Hanna answered, absently twirling a piece of auburn hair around her finger Thank God she’d recently had it highlighted at Henri Flaubert at the King Jauy pushed his hands into his pockets "Hyde doesn’t usually do cool stuff like this I think we’ve been voted Most Boring Caazines, actually"

Hanna took a breath, about to tell hi up, when suddenly three burly guys holding beer cans cut between them After they passed, the boy pushed around a couple of bodies to stand next to Hanna again "Doesn’t the singer look exactly like Bert froated head He was fondling the gled "I was thinking the sa"

"Of course, I shouldn’t talk," the boy said sheepishly "People used to callup"

"Really?" Hanna cocked her head and inspected hi and lanky without being too skinny "I don’t really see a reselasses when I was younger I picked theht my mom would have been a little sled "When I wore glasses, I chose fuchsia plastic frarade school picture was horrific"

"Don’t even get rade photo, I had black rubber bands onfroreen rubber bands on my braces Disaster" The words were out of Hanna’s mouth before she could stop them, and her confession surprised even her Never had she willingly volunteered information about what a loser she used to be, especially to so waruy that actually ave her a challenging look "Well, I ay too skinny as a kid Concave chest, knobby knees, picked last for every teahed self-consciously "More like fat, actually I looked like a beast next to ie once--like it was funny" She shut her eyes

"I got called scarecrow Anorexic boy Freak"

"So? I was Chubby Couture Hanna Fat-Assa" Hanna felt a hurtful twinge Actually, Their Ali had uy reached out and touched the inside of Hanna’s wrist It felt electrifying "I bet no one calls you a loser any his eyes "Or you"

The crowdtheuy slipped his arain, they didn’t break apart Hanna breathed in his spicy, soapy smell, her pulse in her throat He rested his chin in her hair His hipbone pressed against her waist She could feel his s stirred deep inside her, filling her with heat When he leaned down to kiss her, Hanna was struck with shock But the kiss felt so good, so right, that she couldn’t help kissing hi into each other’s eyes The guy looked as shocked as Hanna felt He cleared his throat "Do you want to--"

"I think we should--" Hanna said at the sarabbed her hand and pulled her through the crowd until they turned into a dark alley between one of the classroos and an internet café called Networks They ran down it crookedly, hand in hand, tripping over euy stopped, pulled Hanna to the wall, and started kissing her fervently Hanna kissed hi the sinewyher hands under his T-shirt Never before had she felt so swept away

Finally, they pulled away, panting hard "Wow," the guy whispered, out of breath "This iscrazy"

"I know," Hanna said