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"That soundsnice" Emily couldn’t conceal her surprise The Beth she kneasn’t into partying From what she remembered, Beth was a lot like Carolyn--she never broke curfew, never skipped a swim practice or class Her senior year at Rosewood Day, when Erade, Beth and her pro out at the Fieldses’ house after the dance instead of going to an after-party Ali had been sleeping over that night, and they’d snuck down the stairs and spied on Beth and Chaz, hoping to catch the on opposite sides of the couch, watching reruns of 24 "No offense, Em, but your sister’s really la, too" Beth splashed E some all over her U of A hoodie as well

Eht now sounded about as fun as walking over hot coals

Beth flipped the switch to the garbage disposal, and the water in the sink began to bubble "What’s up with you? Mom said you’ve been mopey, but you seem catatonic When I asked you about your swim scholarship, you looked like you were about to burst into tears Did you just break up with a girlfriend?"

A girlfriend The chicken-silkscreened dish towel slipped frorasp It always jolted her when one of her prim-and-proper family members mentioned E to be understanding, but their chipper it’s-okay-to-be-gay attitude sometimes made Emily feel embarrassed

"I didn’t break up with anyone," E really hard on you?" Beth rolled her eyes "Who cares if you took a suo! I don’t kno you deal, living under this roof all by yourself"

Eht you liked Moet out of here by the time senior year was over" Beth wiped her hands on a dish towel "Now, c’ into Beth’s kind, patient face She wished she could tell her sister the truth About the pregnancy About A Even about Tabitha But Beth would freak And Emily had already alienated one sister

"I’ve been stressed," she ht it would be"

Beth pointed a fork at Emily "That’s why you need to co no for an answer"

Ee She desperately wanted to say no, but so a sister to talk to--the last time she’d seen Carolyn, over Christ alone with Eotten used to falling asleep in front of the TV, but Emily kneas really to avoid their shared bedrooift Eo for a little bit," she mumbled

Beth threw her arms around her "I knew you’d be up for it"

"Up for what?"

They both turned Mrs Fields stood in the doorway, her hands on her hips Beth stood up straighter "Nothing, Mom"

Mrs Fields padded back out of the rooles "We’re going to have so much fun," Beth whispered

For a moment, Emily almost believed her

Chapter 2


"Move it a little bit to the left" Spencer Hastings’s rand house, one hand on her sli a large painting of the Battle of Gettysburg under the curving double staircase "Now it’s a little too high on the right What do you think, Spence?"

Spencer, who had just walked down the stairs, shrugged "Tell randpa Hastings?"

Mrs Hastings gave Spencer a sharp look and then glanced worriedly at Nicholas Pennythistle, her fiancé, who had o But Mr Pennythistle, still clad in his flawlessly fitting suit and shiny wingtips fro away on his BlackBerry