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‘Well,’ Ga, ‘when Agent Nichol here pickedTi’ - here he brought his hand to his chest and held it there--‘totally and exclusively associated with investigations I can walk into a concert hall, but if I s at the floor for a body’

Clara laughed ‘If you like chalk outlines you’re going to love Jane’s work I’lad you’ve come to see it’

‘Is this it?’ Gamache looked around the vibrant room

‘Not even close This is another artist Their show is ending in a week, then we hang the members’ exhibition That opens in about ten days Not this Friday, but next’

‘That’s the vernissage?’

‘Exactly Teeks after the judging’

‘May I see you for a moment?’ Beauvoir steered Gaot off the phone with Timmer Hadley’s doctor Her death was completely natural, as far as he’s concerned Kidney cancer It spread to the pancreas and liver and then it was just a er than he expected’

‘Did she die at home?’

‘Yes, on September second of this year’

‘Labour day,’ said Nichol, who’d wandered over and been listening in

‘Ms Morrow,’ Ga a respectful distance, one that allowed her to appear to be out of earshot, while actually hearing their entire conversation, ‘what do you think?’

Oh, oh Copped Literally, this ti coy

‘Ti,’ said Clara, joining their little circle ‘Well, no, that’s overstating it It’s just that we took turns sitting with her That day it was Ruth’s turn They’d arranged beforehand that if Ti parade of the County Fair Ruth said Tiave her her lass of Ensure and then left’

‘Just left a dying woman alone,’ Nichol stated Clara answered quietly