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Chapter One

Last week of November

New York, New York

Big lazy snowflakes drifted toward the ground

Standing in front of the large glass s of the Manhattan skyscraper, Wesley Ada it seelobe that soiven a shake Or ht now—shaken and turned on its head

He started walking, refusing to let the entire day go sideways on hilanced at the black leather atch with the gold face that his e It had been all she could afford—probably more than she could afford—and he loved both her and the watch dearly

For a senior business advisor, there was so much hen the end of the year rolled around Worst of all, everything needed to be done at once For Wes, when it came to holidays or a deadline, the deadline alon out There were always risk analyses and restructuring deals that needed to be completed ASAP Business didn’t take holidays It was the mantra of Watson & Summers

Wes rushed down the hallway toward his office Even though the holiday season was upon them, the office was devoid of decorations Not one tiny Christmas tree or so much as an ornament was to be found anywhere on the floor There wasn’t even holidayover the speaker systeing Christe employees to act as if they were on holiday instead of proceeding with business as usual Wes didn’t agree, but it wasn’t his place to argue the point

As usual, Wes was prepared to work through the entire Thanksgiving weekend He was certain it would be the sah ti in the office was the way he liked it—a chance to get ahead

After all, he was in line for a promotion to assistant vice president If he could land the prestigious position, it would mean more money—money he could use to rent a place for his mother here in the city, near him As his father had passed on a few years back, Wes worried about her living all alone in Florida It was so far away And she didn’t like to fly

Of course, she insisted she had all of her friends, should she ever need anything, but sometimes he wondered if she was truly as happy as she let on Or was she saying what she thought he wanted to hear? He wouldn’t put it past her All she’d ever wanted was for him to be happy

Right now, he had fifteen rowth report and print out an inco with an i, but one impromptu consultation had led to another No wonder the work on his desk piled up

“Hey, Wes,” the president of the firm called out to him

Wes stopped in front of the office door He peered in at the older ray hairs left on his head and per his face “Hello, Mr Summers What do you need?”

His boss’s bushy brows drew together “Do you have the report on the Wallace account?”

“I do It’s in et it for you”

“No rush As long as you have it to me by eleven”

Wes nodded He checked his watch again Fourteenthe report to Mr Suht away His ive it to a busy person Had that been some sort of prediction about his life?

After the pros would slon He’d have staff under hiet better He just had to hang in there until the first of the year That should be easy Not a problem at all

He couldn’t help but sest lie

Wes stepped into the hallway, noticing Mr Su, Jan”

“Good , Wes” The older woman’s ivory face lit up as color bloomed in her cheeks She peered at hilasses “Thank you for the Boston crea to save half for lunch, but one bite led to another It was so good”

At least once a week, heat the bakery on his way into the office It was a shout the week

“Glad you enjoyed it How’s your ?”

“Better, now that her cold has passed,” Jan said with a s cookies and pie for Christ a nut roll just for you”