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Kicking It Faith Hunter 25940K 2023-08-30

Brighton swung the haain, only this ti up Flickering lights inside the oddly shaped ring began to glow brighter, turning the charging ’Gasts’ skin to rainbows

The effect sent a wave of dizziness spinning in her skull She grabbed the edge of the raised platforhton stood to steady herself He was nearly within her reach now, but he was also in reach of the ’Gasts

"Behind you!" she yelled

Brighton ducked just as ain The blow knocked the ha her way

Siher than she ever could have without the ical aid of the boots The haht up her brain

So in there was definitely broken

When she landed, the pain made her stumble, but she held on to the hot hahts spun faster

Brighton rolled off the platfor her to her feet and out of the way of the next swinging blow

One ’Gast was at thein a desperate atte for theet away

They backed up to where the dead Fractogast was sprawled

Brighton ripped the knives fro away "Giveback up there"

"I don’t have a choice"

They squeezed between the wall and acontainer The ’Gast tried to reach theh

Siive it pause

"I won’t let you kill yourself," she told hiot a brick of C-4 in ed and ready to blow Let that do the hile we run like hell"

"If I was sure it would work, I’d be all for it"

The ’Gast tried again to reach thehton pulled her out of the way just in ti her by the hair

He pulled the C-4 fro off the ’Gast to stop hiic to hide it from him

Within seconds, he had the hath of wire "I wish I had some duct tape, but this will have to do"

He tucked the slim detonator in her pocket "When I yell, blow it up"

"Oh, no I’ether"

She grabbed his hand and willed the boots to cloak the container

The ’Gast trying to cop a feel had its head turned away to extend its reach It didn’t see that they were gone until they were halfway across the roo as they hurried toward the screa machine Not that their voices would have been heard over that horrible sound

The ’Gast by the control panel was still working as fast as its lue in its de haste of fear Instead, the thing was hton hadn’t destroyed theand flickering lights, she could seewas darker than the rest of the roohts didn’t touch it Even so, she could see awith tiny crystals

There were Fractogasts waiting on the other side of wherever that machine led Lots of theh the center of the ring

A clicking cheer rose up, louder than the hton ducked under that hand and ja The haappeared frohton

Sio now, one of those things was going to step on theut with the ’Gast that had been trying to reach the to be able to avoid a collision There wasn’t tirabbed her around the ’s path She had no idea how he’d rip shifted her broken rib and set her chest on fire

A startled gasp escaped her chest

The ’Gast halted in midstride and turned around The few shells that had finally sha distracted by the blast headed their way

"Run," whispered Brighton