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Gabe and Theo

"This is where I found the aberrant rats," Gabe said as they pulled into the

Fly Rod Trailer Court

"That’s nice," Theo said, not really paying attention

"Did I tell you I got the brain che, but I’m not sure that it explains the behavior"

"Not now, Gabe, please" Theo slammed on the brakes and the truck rocked to a stop "What the hell?" There were no lights on in Molly Michon’s trailer In the empty lot next door, a dozen well-dressed adults stood in a circle, holding candles

"Prayer ht"

"There was a trailer there last time I was here," Theo said "Just like the one on the ranch"

"I know This is the lot where I found the rats with the low serotonin levels"

Theo shut off the truck, set the parking brake, and climbed out Then he looked back at Gabe "You found your rats right here?"

"The six that I could find But this is where the other ones that were last tracked disappeared as well I can show you the graphic later"

"That would be good"

Theo pulled his flannel shirt over the guns in his waistband and approached the circle Skinner jumped out of the truck and ran ahead Gabe reluctantly followed They did, indeed, see Their heads were bowed and a woroup "Bless us, Lord, for we have felt the stirrings of your poithin us and heeded your call to come to this holy place on the eve of"

Skinner drove his nose into the wo poodle Everyone in the group looked up

"Excuse me," Theo said "I don’there?" Several of the men looked irritated and stepped up behind the powder-blue woive support

The wo to keep the candle flaht?"

"Yes, er than he was by at least five years and pretty in a Texas Big Hair sort of way, but her dress andrade teacher for eating paste

"We’ve been called here, Constable," the worabbed the shoulder of a woman who looked like her clone in pink, and pulled her forward Skinner stamped the pink woie and I felt it first, but e started talking about it after services this afternoon, all these other people said that they had felt drawn to this place as well The Holy Spirit has moved us here"

"Ask the," Theo tossed over his shoulder

Gabe called Skinner and the Labrador looked around

They sht But he got no response except a

"The Holy Spirit called you here?" Theo said

Everyone in the group nodded earnestly

"Did any of you happen to see the woman who lives in that trailer next door?"

The pink lady chimed in, "Oh yes, she was the one to call our attention to this place two nights ago We wondered about that at first, being as how she is and all, but then Katie pointed out" - she gestured to her friend - "that our Lord Jesus spent tidalene, and she, as I’m sure you knoas - well - she was"

"A whore," Theo offered

"Well Yes And so we thought, who are we to judge?"

"Very charitable of you," Theo said "But have you seen Molly Michon tonight?"

"No, not tonight"

Theo felt his energy reserves drain even more "Look, folks, you shouldn’t be here I’"

"Oh, that poor boy," Margie said

"Yes andsoroup looked disappointed One of the men, a portly bald fellow in his fifties, puffed hiht to worship when and where we please"

"I’ of your safety," Theo said

"This country was founded on the basis of religious freedom, and"

Theo stepped up to the man and loomed over hi that I don’t throw you in jail with the biggest, horniest sodooing to do if you all don’t go hoht now"

"Smooth," Gabe said

Make hiht

The bald roup "Let’s meet at the church to discuss the reet in line," Theo said He watched as the group dispersed to their cars and drove away

When the last one pulled out, Gabe said, "Theories?"

Theo shook his head "Everyone in this town is nuts I’ to check Molly’s trailer, but I doubt she’s there Do you want e clothes before your date?"

Gabe looked down at his stained work pants and safari shirt "Do you think I should?"

"Gabe, you’re the only guy I know that ht?"

"Casanova," Theo said "Compared to you, I feel like Casanova"

"What?" Gabe said "It’s fried chicken night at HP’s"


Steve lay under a stand of cypress trees, his new lover snuggled up to his right foreleg, snoring softly He let his tongue slide out and the tip just brushed her bare back She ood But he had eaten all those other warry

When he had been a fe back another five thousand, he had beco That’s just hoas done But as a male, he wasn’t sure He hadn’t mated with his own species since he’d beco was new to hi the warmblood She had made him feel better, and for sohts instead of just sending his own sig-nals He sensed no fear in her, and no need to send the signal to draw her to hie for a warmblood

He lay his head down on the bed of cypress needles to sleep and let his wounds heal He could eat her later Somewhere in the back of his brain, as he fell asleep, a fear alarm went off In five thousand years of life, he had never conceived of the concept of later or before, only now His DNA had rechained itselffor the life cycles of generations - he was a unique organism in that way - but the concept of time, of meh his contact with Molly he was evolving consciousness, and like the prag to warn hihtmare


Is this a date? Val sat alone at a table in the back of HP’s Cafe She’d ordered a glass of a local chardonnay and was trying to forust, but unfortunately, it was quite good She earing light evening le string of pearls so as not to clash too badly with her date, who she kneould be in jeans or cotton khaki Her date? If this is a date, how far have I sunk? she asked herself This tacky little cafe in this tacky little toaiting for a man who had probably never worn a tux or a Rolex, and she was looking forward to it

No, it’s not a date It’s just dinner It’s sustenance It’s, for once, not eating alone Sluhborly, that’s what it is It’s a satirical perforeois Fried Chicken Follies It was one thing to read her journals over coffee in the local cafe, but dinner?

Gabe Fenton cah the front door and Val felt her pulse quicken She smiled in spite of herself as she watched the waitress point to her table Then Theo Croas following Gabe across the restaurant and a bolt of anxiety shot up her spine This definitely isn’t a date

Gabe smiled and the lines around his eyes crinkled as if he were about to burst out laughing He extended his hand to her "Hi, I hope you don’t mind, I asked Theo to join us" His hair was co a faded but clean chauy in a lumber-jack sort of way

"No, please," Val said "Sit down, Theo"

Theo nodded and pulled a chair up to the table, which had been set for two The waitress breezed in with another place setting before they were seated "I’m sorry to intrude," Theo said, "but Gabe insisted"

"No, really, you’re welcome, Constable"