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He knelt between her thighs, his cock pounding a desperate beat of hunger as he let his hands cup her breasts, let his lips and tongue lick over them
Her nails bit into his shoulders, and he felt the purr that suddenly dug through his chest
He had never purred in his life But as her sharp little nails raked over his shoulders, the sound exploded from him
And Haley shuddered beneath him
Noble’s head jerked up, his eyes narrowed
"Just a little one," she panted, describing the orgasm he knew had just exploded within her Yes, just a little one, but spurred by the sound of his purr
"You liked that?" He pressed her breasts together and lowered his head again, licking over her nipples as she arched to him
"A little bit maybe," she breathed
He drew one of the ripe little points of flesh into his ru in her pleasure, dazed by it
Exaltation filled him at that look This was his woered for hi of kisses down her stomach, moved to the swollen bud of her clit, and drew it into his ently, sweetly
He licked it, pursed his lips around it, and purred again
And he watched her unravel for him The sweetest expression he had ever seen in his life filled her face
She stared back at him, her eyes dazed and filled with emotion Her expression alht here," he whispered He kissed her thigh, lifted his hand, and touched her face
She surprised hi at it, nipping as he watched her
The pleasure streaked fro that simple, a caress that should have never shaken hi to his knees he pulled his finger back, then stroked his thuhs, came over her, and felt the folds of slick, sweet flesh enclosing the thick crest of his cock
"Watch" He glanced down along their bodies, holding hi her to see
Haley watched as he took her She hadn’t been able to watch the first time, only feel She wanted to watch this time Watch as he parted the sensitive folds, his thick flesh pressing into her
She saw hi her She watched as he worked inside her, stroking her, pleasure tearing through her with each inch she took
She couldn’t breathe, and she needed to breathe
She needed to focus, to watch the penetration, to feel hihs opening wider, her hips arching to hi roaned, his hips surging slow and easy, i her inch by inch with fiery destruction
Pleasure whipped and tore through her It burned with a white-hot intensity, cra out his na hi deeper, so between theleam on his heavy erection as he pulled back, only to press deeper inside her once again
In his ar fought to be free
"Fuck ed to whisper to a lover and had never had the courage "Hard, Noble Fuck ed inside her as she cried out at the pleasure One hand clamped on her hip as she watched his cock draw back, penetrate, over and over, hard and deep, creating a friction, a pleasure she couldn’t fight
"Oh God yes" She writhed beneath hi him to her, her lips at his neck, her nails on his shoulders as she scratched hiers across his back God knew, he had enough scars But he marked her He bit her She could scratch She could cry out his naan to cascade inside her, she could give herself to it, knowing he was there
Holding her, stilling the fear as she felt the extension beco into her, locking her in place and spilling a fiery sensation inside her that flung her into another strong, deeper orgasm as his semen pumped into her, and his teeth pierced her shoulder
And he held her He held her close to his heart, his arrowls ru in her chest break free As though her heart had expanded, as though heat burned from her very spirit, and Haley knew, in that er than she had ever realized she had
The first tileam with almost confused amusement The way she felt when he watched her, the way she watched for hiht The way her heart had shattered when she feared he had been lost to her
"I love you," she whispered, and felt the tears that burned in her eyes "Oh God, Noble, please don’t be lying to ’ to you stuff, because I love you"
He jerked against her again, causing her breath to catch as the barb caressed nerve endings rarely subjected to touch Miniexplosions cascaded through her, little releases that rocked her to the core There should never be pleasure like this Pleasure like this was addictive, it could become necessary