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The whole ten-minute encounter with Ian had been an exercise in mortification She couldn’t even fatho Akasha froht the cat would bite or scratch hi his pricey pants torn into by her cat had panicked her Of course, it had wound up being fararound on the floor in front of him, her eyes level with his crotch She should have just let the dah
"What?" Abby looked entirely unremorseful "He’s the dude I saw in the cards, and you’re just blowing hi so you don’t screw up the whole rest of your life"
Bree shuddered, a lifetime of attachment to such a poh she had to admit, if she were honest, the way he stared at her, like he wanted to take off her clothes and devote all of his intensity to her body, was hot
Just a little Okay, a lot It was bizarre, given she didn’t really like hi or two for her, because he turned her on, no doubt about it
"I aht about one thing--he does want to have sex with me I picked up on that empathically"
Charlotte snorted "You don’t have to be eure that out He was virtually drooling over your butt"
Bree involuntarily grabbed her backside "He was?
Ohod, are you serious?"
Her sisters both nodded, Charlotte soleleeful
"When did he do that?" And more i down the hall to the kitchen," Charlotte said
Daht skirt "Did I look okay? I ood-ass day or a bad-ass day? God, this is awful"
Charlotte laughed "What the hell is a good-ass day?"
Bree saw nothing aood in whatever you’re wearing, when it’s sort of living up to its fullest potential, being the best your butt can be" Duh
But her sister looked at her like she’d lost herI’ve ever heard you say, and you’ve said a lot of weird things over the years"
"Your butt looked great," Abby told her
"See? Abby gets it" And Bree was inally reassured She didn’t want to want Ian, and she didn’t want hi her either
"So we all knoants to have sex with you, but the question is, do you want to have sex with him?"
Charlotte pinned her with a hard stare "And be honest"
Did she have to be? Bree bit her lip, so she never did Exasperated, with herself, she crossed her arms over her chest "I don’t know Maybe He’s totally not my type, and I know I don’t want to date him, but I can admit that I find him attractive in the most basic animalistic sort of way" And his intensity fascinated her, but she was not going to say that out loud
This was not the way she had pictured her day It was supposed to be a normal day, in which she lamented her celibate status but simultaneously applauded her independence, when she spent ti up a Christmas tree and ate those satanically delicious butter cookies Charlotte insisted on baking
"So just do hi point"
When had her baby sister becoeous?
Wait Abby had always been that way Maybe it was the result of being conceived on a grave in the ce could coiven moment
"I can’t just ’do him’ "
"Why not?" Charlotte asked
And that was her conservative sister speaking It boggled the mind "Because," she said in exasperation
"I can’t"
"Why not?" Charlotte asked, shrugging
"Well" That was a good question Why couldn’t she really? She kneanted her Lust was radiating all over his aura She really was attracted to him, too, for whatever random reason
But it seemed like such a risk, such a messy situation to walk into voluntarily Hoould they even get from where they were to there, and if they did, what happened afterward? It sounded like a potential disaster "Because"