Page 37 (1/1)
"Your sword disrupts
"So why didn&039;t it &039;kill&039; Cathie?"
"I don&039;t know I&039;ve only ever killed vampires with it I tried to kill a olf once, but it just e back into a woman She was so startled she ran away froain"
"There are olves?" Cathie asked "For real?"
"You gotta be kidding h to deal with?" I bitched
"It was only the one time," Laura said defensively "I&039;m sure you&039;ll never have to meet one They&039;re rarer than vampires, I bet"
"Let&039;s for cripe&039;s sake hope so Cathie, is any of this looking familiar?"
"I only saw the house froetically "I remember what the inside looked like and the smell of the place I remember that"
"Oh, it&039;s that one" Laura pointed to a nondescript split-level on the end of the block It was tan with dark-brown trim The driveway and sidewalks had been neatly shoveled
"It is?" Cathie whispered, leaning forward so that her head popped through the seat between us
"How do you know? Cathie, does anything ring a bell?"
"Just the shed, a dreadful sound, and looked at the nice little split-level the way I would look at a child abuser "Is it a black house? All black, even the sidewalks? Even the snow around it?"
"No," Cathie and I said in unison
"It looks black to me," Laura said simply