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I let hi of juvenile actions I couldn&039;t help it; he had the nicest butt He favored faded blue jeans and big belts, shitkicker boots, and T-shirts He looked like an ad for Wheaties
We had barely gotten to the first landing when he whirled, grabbed my shoulders, and burst out, "Betsy, you can&039;t!"
Startled, I grabbed his wrists "What?"
"You can&039;t marry hi , but for heaven&039;s sakes
"You can&039;t do it, Betsy" I was gently trying to loosen his fingers fro like plastic wrap "I know you, and it&039;ll never work You&039;re good, and he&039;s not He&039;s totally not You can&039;tto have to break his fingers? "Personal bubble, Jon"
He let go Whew "Sorry"
"Jon, listen I know Sinclair has done his share of-"
"Murderous disgusting blood-sucking deeds?"
"-uh-questionable errands, but he&039;s not really that bad Ito get along"
"Betsy, that&039;s the du I&039;ve ever heard He is a badthe black hat"
"Jon, you have no idea what bad really is," I said, as nicely as I could "If you did, you&039;d know Sinclair wasn&039;t it The vampire world, like our world, isn&039;t black and white there&039;s tons of gray areas So He&039;s done everything for me-he&039;s been killed for me, and he&039;s savedI could even-neveroff the subject"
"Betsy" Jon stuck his hands in his front pockets, past the wrist, and looked away "Soirl I&039; I don&039;t think he, uh, likes you"
"You&039;re saying I&039;ood for him"
"That&039;s really nice" II would take out and reminisce about when I was an old lady "But I knohat I&039; you want to hear, but it&039;s true And how could I not get uy I love?"
He winced and still wouldn&039;t meet my eyes "Maybe it&039;s a trick"
"Like a va? I only think I love him? I really only love his teeth and his dick?"
That did it; he glared at me, full in the eyes, and the blood rushed into his cheeks "Don&039;t talk like that That&039;s not what I-"
"Because, believeas I could Then I realized he really wasn&039;t Bad, Iexcuses for him? I didn&039;t mean to It was just difficult to put into words How I felt about him What he meant to me Shit, I&039;d only ado "He just took a little getting used to"
"Betsy, I&039;h I don&039;t"
Noas confused "So you are saying you don&039;t think it&039;s a good , unfortunately Full speed ahead, and daood , say, Tina, you would have come down here to warn her off, too?"
Stubborn silence
"Jon, did you really co? Because you had months to do that, you know"
"Ani stopped by and she-we caught up on current events, I guess you could say And-" He cut hi And as soon as I heard you were getting ot in my dad&039;s truck and left Oh, boy Poor Jon Crushes were the absolute worst I&039;d alain, when you heard the person you adored above all others had never, ever given you a thought like that, and probably never would