Page 13 (1/2)
Sin braced hiely, Kessar didn&039;t make any moves toward him
Instead, he stared at Zakar with a twisted half saze to Sin and his face turned to stone "And ned sympathy "He attacked us," he said sarcastically "What was I supposed to do? Invite him to dinner?"
"You were supposed to die" Kessar narrowed his eyes on hiood start"
Sin shook his head "I don&039;t know I die, you get bored World ends Doesn&039;t really fit, does it? Besides, I can&039;t s too easy on you What&039;s life without pain?"
Kessar&039;s gaze went back to Zakar "That&039;s a question best answered by the pet, isn&039;t it?"
Fury darkened Sin&039;s gaze as he saw the shame on Zakar&039;s face, but before he could move to retaliate, Zakar blasted the demon
Kessar turned it aith a wave of his hand "Don&039;t you ever learn, dog?"
Zakar glared at hiht you till I die"
Kessar laughed "Oh, you&039;re going to die all right All of you And for what you&039;ve done to inably"
"Yada yada yada" Kat slowly enunciated each word before she looked at Sin as if bored by their exchange "Aue?" She held her arms out like a zombie andevil I&039; to kill you all Just hile I bore you to tears withwho likes to hear hi to intimidate you&039; "
She looked back at Kessar and put her arms down "Really, if that&039;s the case, you need to stop letting your mother dress you funny It&039;s hard to take anyone serious as a killer when he looks likes an investment banker The only part of ue over his fangs as he eyed her as if she were a tender niblet "Your girlfriend has quite aher words down her throat"
Sin glared at hi you"
Kat rolled her eyes "What is this? A hen party? For a couple of guys, you&039;re talking ht, let&039;s fight"
Zakar frowned at her "So eager to die are you?"
Kat shrugged "Not particularly, but I&039;d rather go down clubbing Kessar than from boredom"
Suddenly there were four dozen Kessars all around theht have spoken too soon This could get ugly-and given the nu ita bad Matrix II flashback and hearing Mr Anderson in s"
Sin arched a brow "Orlando Bloo, Kessar started for her Kat moved to attack him, but before he reached her, she was jerked out of the way
All of a sudden, so her Hard
"Ow!" Kat blinked open her eyes to find Kytara standing over her while she lay in bed beside Sin "What the?"
"Wake up your boyfriend I&039;et the one in the other roo, Kat rolled over and did what Kytara had told her Sin carip "It&039;s me Kat"
It took him a second to focus on her face and to realize he ake "Where&039;s Kessar?"
"Not here He&039;s only in our dreae of the bed "Kytara just woke o see if she can explain all this"
They left the bedroom to find Kytara in the main room, which was so dark, they could barely see Sin turned on a slow around the on the floor beside Zakar, staring at him while he continued to sleep
Sin went to wake hirabbed his arht "He&039;s not what you think"
"He&039;s aze, "but ask yourself why they let him live"
"To torture him"
Kytara shook her head "To ruin hiod of dreams He&039;s becoainst the completely with Sin There was no way Zakar could be on the side of the gallu after all he&039;d gone through Not after all Kessar and his minions had done to hi had seen so a truth she didn&039;t think Sin could handle
Kat knelt on the floor next to Kytara "He told us he&039;d been fractured What did he mean?"
Kytara sat back on her feet before she rose to tower over Kat
"They have infected him and he can&039;t control it He&039;s as likely to kill you as he is them"
Kat rose immediately as those words haunted her Surely not
By Sin&039;s face, she could tell he refused to believe it "Kat fixed his injuries"
"On the outside It&039;s what&039;s inside hier they have"
"No He battled Asag and survived It gave hiave hi on hiallu is inside hinaw its way out even as we speak He is a danger to all of us Why do you think they had hiod, and the de without remorse"
Kat was sick at the news It wasn&039;t fair for Zakar to have suffered so much only to die now that he was free "There has to be so we can do"
"Kill him," Kytara said siht of his eony inside him "My twin"
Kytara was merciless as she approached him "Then he will kill you when he awakens" She ainst I&039;ve been in the dreams of every kind of evil But these" She visibly shivered "They make Stryker look like a pussycat And now they&039;re in your dreauard your rest"
"What ar one"
Well, that was helpful, not at all Kat stepped around the pulled-out bed to stand beside Kytara "I don&039;t understand"
Kytara took a deep breath before she spoke again "I was only in contact with Kessar for a brief ti about his powers-they are unbelievable We need some serious muscle in the dream realm for you thenever you sleep They kno to find you now and they eaken you there, then swoop in here for the kill"
Her face paling, Kytara placed the heel of her hand over her eyes "I wish I could burn the ih to ain" She lowered her hand so that they could see the tears in her eyes "I wish to Zeus that I could go back to feeling nothing It was theI&039;ve ever seen and now I&039;m scarred by it You have to kill him, Sin Trust me"
"No," he said emphatically
"Then I&039;ll do it for you" Kytara pulled out a knife and headed for Zakar
Sin grabbed her and pushed her back, away from the bed "Hell, no You want to hurt hih ain"
The cold look on her face as she raked hilaciers "Fine then, I&039;ll rave" She moved to stand beside Kat "Do yourself a favor Get out of here before that one"-she indicated Zakar-"wakes up Trust nored her words She wasn&039;t about to leave Sin alone in this "Can you speak to the Oneroi and see what can be done about the gallu in our dreams?"
"I can try I&039;m sure M&039;Adoc, M&039;Ordant, and D&039;Alerian would love a chance to be able to keep soht about the three Oneroi leaders Kytara hadout of turn and had no idea how right her prediction was Kat was one of the few people who knew that the Oneroi&039;s e back to them Because of that, it meant they had euise A mission like this could very well help the Oneroi leaders maintain control of the they&039;d relish
"Tell D&039;Alerian he owes me and I need to collect my favor"
Kytara cocked her head at that "D&039;Alerian owes you a favor?"
Kat nodded "Frootten it"
A lint entered Kytara&039;s pale eyes "What did you do?"
"It&039;s between us Now go"
Curling her lip in response, Kytara dissolved
Feeling Sin&039;s concern and sadness, Kat went to Sin&039;s side as he pulled the blanket up higher on his brother&039;s body
As soon as Sin&039;s hand neared Zakar&039;s neck, Zakar came aith a curse He reached for Sin&039;s throat, but he caught Zakar&039;s wrist in his hand
Tiazes met Neither moved, and like them, Kat was held transfixed by the tenseness of the moment The only difference between theroo and gnarled
But other than that, it was like watching so
"Zakar?" Sin whispered, finally breaking the tense silence "It&039;s o and leaned back He looked around as if dazed by his surroundings "Where am I?"
"My place We rescued you froh he&039;d been with them in their dreams, Zakar seemed unable to believe what he heard, what he saw
An odd twinge went through Kat as she watched hi cold and evil So powerful She wanted to warn Sin, but by the look of affection on his face as he watched his brother, she kneouldn&039;t listen to her any more than he had to Kytara And why should he? This was his family
All Kat could do was stand by and be ready should Zakar attack
Zakar&039;s golden gaze met hers "You&039;re the Atlantean"
"Half Atlantean," she corrected, wondering why that was iaze went back to Sin "How did you heal me?"
"I didn&039;t" He indicated her with a tilt of his head "Kat did"
Zakar turned back toward her "Thank you"
She inclined her head to hih, but the smile on his face didn&039;t reach his eyes "Free"
That could be a good thing or a really bad thing If Kytara was to be believed, it was really, really bad
"Are you hungry?" Sin asked
"No, but I&039;d kill for so Kat wanted to hear coallu and the warnings of Kytara
"Wine?" Sin asked as if unfazed by his brother&039;s words
Zakar nodded
Kat stepped forward as Sin went to the bar to get his brother a glass Not rin "You have a proble"
She narrowed her eyes on his neck, which, courtesy of her, no longer held a single trace of the bite es"
"And what do you know about the had thea student to define the Hobbesian State of Nature
"A lothis snotty tone "For one thing, they usually link the participants together"
"What are you saying, Kat?" Sin asked as he rejoined them
She didn&039;t knohy, but she took comfort in his presence "It&039;s never the enemy without that destroys It&039;s the one froue, but he didn&039;t He silass to Zakar and re in his deht have used that phrase himself a time or two
Zakar sat up and downed all the contents in a single gulp He wiped his lass to Sin
Zakar then cast that gilare back at her "You don&039;t trust me"
"I don&039;t know you"
He smiled a s at him, he was identical to Sin, except for the scars that marred Sin&039;s body Yet she didn&039;t react to Zakar&039;s presence at all There was no heart racing, no cla It was just like looking at any handsome naked man It left her cold and reid
Zakar tilted his head to look around her to where Sin was standing "I don&039;t believe your woave her a devilish wink that ed to warm her "Don&039;t feel bad, she doesn&039;t think reed "People are basically irritating Myself included"
Sin&039;s cell phone started ringing He excused hiainst the back of the sofa and draped an araze stayed focused on Kat, who didn&039;t flinch under his intense scrutiny Rather, she duplicated it, letting him know that she wasn&039;t the least bit intimidated by hi to lanced over to where Sin wasto stand outside on the balcony while he talked What was going on?
No doubt, she&039;d find out soon enough So she turned her attention back to Zakar "You allu"
"You&039;ve no idea"
"Seeing how you were pinned down, I wouldn&039;t go that far I irueso him look away from her "I need clothes"
She frowned at the odd note in his voice "You going soot up, completely bare assed, and headed for the bedrooh his brother&039;s penthouse in front of her Kat would have gaped, but then she knew ancient ain, there weren&039;t many modern men afflicted with modesty, either
Sin stepped back in froaze "Where&039;s Zakar?"
"Said he needed clothes"
Sin frowned "My bedroouess"
Sin headed toward the rooot there, the roo for Zakar to reappear before them
He didn&039;t
Sin went to the closet and opened it, but there was no sign of Zakar anywhere They even checked the bathrooone who knehere
"Where do you think he went?"