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Kat lifted her legs and kicked hiround with a whoof before he flipped to his feet and caain
She pushed herself away from the car and ducked his hands, then sucked her breath in sharply as she hurt her arrier "Trust me, asshole, you don&039;t want a piece of me"
His nostrils flared "Oh yes I do I&039;ve been drea you for centuries"
What the hell did hesirens rent the air Kat turned her head to listen, but the instant she did, he grabbed her
This time when she went for him, he moved faster than was humanly possible Onewent black
Sin smiled evilly as Artemis collapsed into his arth, but his brother had made sure after Arteh juice to protect hiods
He couldn&039;t believe fate had been so kind as to throw the bitch right into his path Now she was his and he was going to make her pay for what she&039;d done to him
Sht, he flashed hiently, he dumped his prisoner on his black leather sofa before he went to his bedrooe was tricky business Once she awoke she&039;d be pissed and wanting blood
His blood
Therefore he&039;d need a few things to make sure she didn&039;t use her powers to rip his heart out Opening his closet, he moved to the back and shoved his clothes to one side Hidden behind them was his vault The door was made of tarnished bronze and held a hand and retinal scanner Rather iiven the fact that he was an ancient Suod But one had to make adjustments when one was locked in the hell that was the human world
He opened the door and moved inside where he kept the res Artemis hadn&039;t destroyed after she&039;d eliold urn or two and the altar tray where his worshipers had once placed offerings He&039;d also kept a few statues, but hter&039;s te that bore her ilass cases around hiht hiht rested in the far back corner, in a leather trunk that creaked eerily as he opened it A sadistic smile curled his lips as he found the one item he&039;d saved all these centuries
The diktyon that Artemis had used to tie hi in its composition rendered an immortal powerless It kept them trapped and helpless
He could still feel the hu at her mercy
And once the bitch had drained him, she&039;d dumped hi so coainst each other until they&039;re all gone" Her laughter had rang in his ears
Like a milk-whelp, he&039;d been forced to call out to his fahed and then turned his back on him as had all the others The only one to show him pity had been his brother, Zakar If not for hi or worse
Of course their laughter had died out soon enough Artemis had fulfilled her promise Almost every ods The Greeks had either absorbed their powers and replaced theainst each other until none were left That had been three thousand years ago
Noas ti the net, he headed for the couch where he&039;d left Arteht in her spot, unconscious Good You know, you could kill her right here Right now
The te But then what fun would it really be? She was unconscious She wouldn&039;t feel it Would know it Besides, she was a goddess To kill her while she still had her godhood would cause a rift in the universe
The only way to destroy a god was to dispense or absorb their powers and then kill them
Not to mention, he wanted to see her suffer He wanted to look her dead in the eyes when he sucked her powers out and reestablished his godhood-wanted her to know the abject hu completely vulnerable
And that he could only do if she were awake and alive
Da her in the webbing Let her be held down by her oeapon It was only fitting If he were lucky, she&039;d cry like a baby and beg for aher
Oh yeah, he could hear her now
"Please Sin, please let "
She would too She&039;d be crying and hysterical And he&039;d just laugh at her He savored the very thought of it
Sin paused as he secured her feet and glanced up at her face To his deepest chagrin, he actually had to admit that she was beautiful-in a lethal snake-like, venomous, bitch sort of way In his raceful and attractive she was
But here and now, he reo
Like everyone else he&039;d ever known she&039;d turned on hihed in his face and had reduced hi beautiful about her now But he did find it odd that she had blond hair instead of the vibrant red she was famous for Maybe that was because she&039;d been in the hu to pass as one of theraceful and well built, she was put together like the goddess she was Any man, immortal or otherwise, would kill to have access to a woman like this And he remembered a time when he&039;d been so attracted to her that he would have done anything to make her happy
Now all he wanted was to kill her
"Hey, Sin?"
He paused as he saw his servant Kish co into the room Just under six feet tall, Kish appeared to be in his mid-twenties, but in reality the man was almost three thousand years old Like Sin, he had jet black hair and dark olive skin, only his hair, unlike Sin&039;s, hung just past his shoulders
Kish froze in place as he saw the wo?"
"What does it look like I&039;ht above his left ear "It&039;s looking pretty kinky And here&039;s where I should ree, and in this country in particular, is a federal offense"
Sin wasn&039;t amused "Yes, and in your birth time period, it was a capital offense that resulted in thecut off before he was beheaded"
Kish jerked at the mention of castration and cupped hi her?"
"Who says I kidnapped her?"
"The fact she&039;s unconscious and tied up fully clothed I figure if it was really kinky and she was cooperating, she&039;d be awake and naked"
Kish did have a point
He lanced back to Sin "So who is she?"
"Arteave hioddess bitch who stole oddess trussed up like a turkey on your couch Are you insane?"
"No," Sin said as righteous fury drove hie and I took it" His face turned ashen "And when she wakes up, we&039;re both toast Burnt toast Charred toast Whatever the hell is beyond charred, that&039;s us" He er back and forth between the to kick both our asses And no offense, I don&039;t want elina Jolie in a black teddy and spiked heels notwithstanding Angie-baby could drive those spiked heels all over et me painfully disemboweled and that I&039;d like to avoid at all costs"
Sin shook his head at theand I take a newspaper to you She&039;s not going to kick our asses This net negates her powers It&039;s how she sucked me dry and left me humiliated"
Kish cocked his head as if he wanted to believe that, but wasn&039;t sure he should "Are you sure about that, boss?"
"Positive The diktyon was designed as a trap for gods and i as she&039;s held by it, we&039;re fine"
He was still cringing "I don&039;t think fine is the word I&039;d use in this situation More like screwed or dead even She&039;s not going to be happy about this"
As if Sin gave a shit what she was or wasn&039;t happy about "Once I have my powers back, it won&039;t matter She&039;ll be in no position to hurt either of us"
"And how are you going to do that?"
Sin had no idea He honestly wasn&039;t sure how she&039;d gotten theiven hiotten fuzzy and he wasn&039;t completely sure what all she&039;d done to him His belief was that Arte his blood Personally, he didn&039;t want to drink her blood-there was no telling what diseases the bitch ht carry: rabies, distemper, parvo But if it would reinstate him, he&039;d do it
First he had to find out frolared at his servant "Don&039;t you have so to do?"
"If not for the fact it would result in your breaking every bone insome cops As it stands, I thinkto talk sense into you"
Sin clenched his teeth "Kish, if you value your life, get out of here and stay out of here"
But the instant Kish took a step back, a feeling of dread consumed Sin Kish was too panicked and when panicked people always did incredibly stupid things-like call the cops on an iin to try and explain why he was holding a woman on his couch in a net
Or worse, call Acheron ould freak on Sin if he ever learned about this
So Sin froze him in place
He stared at Kish&039;s statue with satisfaction "Yeah, you chill and let me worry about this"
It was for the best and it would keep hi to kill Kish later And while he was at it, he sealed his door so that no one else could disturb hi She tried to shift her weight off it, only to learn that she couldn&039;t A feather-light netting covered her Unfortunately, it was a netting she knew all too well
Arteust consuo when another of Arte her like this was entertaining Wouldn&039;t the woman ever learn that Kat didn&039;t find this funny?
"All right, Satara, stop with the stupid games and let me up"