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Horrified by her tirade, Nick cut his eyes to Acheron, athed in black from head to toe and whose hair fell to the center of his back Not toin his left lobe and the sht nostril

Ash was the poster boy of what his mom had just condemned…

His mom’s entire face flamed as she realized what she’d inadvertently said and implied about his friend She turned to face hiave her a kind smile "No offense taken, Mrs Gautier I’ve been called a lot worse and that was just a couple of hours ago"

Still, his mother was mortified by her insensitive coht that about you I know you’re a good man and I did not mean to imply otherwise"

"Really, it’s fine I’m not offended in the least," he reiterated "I dress like I do because I want people to leaveEverything you said to Nick about other people’s perceptions is correct and I back you one hundred percent"

"It was still thoughtless and cruel, and I would never hurt you that way, Ash"

"I know"

Her features sad, she reached up and pulled Ash’s face down to hers, then kissed his cheek "I think the world of you, and I’lad you’re Nick’s friend"

"Thank you … and on that note, I’ your son without worrying about feelings I don’t have" He grinned at her, then looked over to Nick "I’ll see you toet into any more trouble between now and then"


His one, then she turned on him with a look that made him want to hold a crucifix up in front of his face to banish the evil co toward him "Now explain those clothes, boy, and what’s this I heard at work fro a band? A band, Nicky? Really?"

He shrugged "It’s har new"

"Then try taking out the trash withoutyou for it Make upScrub out the tub and lower the toilet seat I can think of a thousand things new you can do that wouldn’t h you dwarf me"

"Mom … c’ to this You know Alex and his entire fa as they co deal As for my clothes … I hate those tacky used Hawaiian shirts, and I’ve told you that for years Ash, Caleb and Kyrian, and Dev and dozens of other people wear black all the ti about it Really"

She narrowed her gaze on him "I want better for you, Boo I spentme trash"

"I was there with you for it, Mom I heard them, too And I know exactly how you felt, and I prood-awful shirts you’ve forced me to wear have not spared me the wrath or insults of my fellow morons If I have to be insulted, please let me do it in Dolce and Gabbana, and real suede loafers, rather than backyard tacky wear"

Biting her lip, she nodded "Okay You’re right You’re sixteen, and you have your own job that pays good money you work hard for As much as I hate it, you are a man and not my little baby boy boo anymore I just…" She broke off into a sht "It’s okay I’m still your baby boy boo, but I don’t want the rest of the world calling ht "We’re a pair, aren’t we?"

"Two peas, you andone of her favorite sayings from his childhood Anyti, she’d scooped him into her lap and whispered that to him while she made him feel better

God, he loved his o "Have you eaten anything?"

"No, ma’am I was on my way for food when…" He stopped as he realized what he was about to say The last thing he wanted to do was start her crying again

To his relief, she held it together "I’ll go warood for you"

"Thanks, Moe into sorowled at hi on that, he returned to his roo just inside his closedSucking his breath in sharply, he quickly shut the door before his limpse of their ho here, C?"

"Checking on you"

Nick scowled Surely Caleb didn’t know about the… did he? "Why?"

Caleb pushed himself away from theand went to Nick’s desk He pulled out the chair and straddled it "So"

While he didn’t have a lot of feelings for his dad, that news shocked him "What?"

Caleb nodded slowly "He’s in bad shape Are you the one killing him?"

"No!" he said emphatically "What kind of fool question is that? Why would you let that thought even enter your head? Jeez!"

Caleb leaned forward to prop his ar I know that can kill him is you" He paused and then frowned as he noted Nick’s rumpled clothes "Why are you covered in blood?"

"Real swift on the uptake there, Sparky Glad I wasn’t he help With those keen powers of observation you possess, I’d have died ten o"

Caleb snorted "Don’t worry, punkin I’d have cauterized the wound for you long before you bled out"

"And you’d probably enjoy it, too"

Caleb flashed a grin "Not asyour blood, but…" He sobered "What really happened?"

"I got ed at the Riverwalk"

He let out a lohistle "By a demon? A Daimon? Couch potato?"

Nick shook his head "Hunize me until after they had dropped a bead on me"

Both of Caleb’s eyebrows shot north "Are they still alive?"