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I had a headache

A pounding headache

My stomach was queasy and I felt a little dizzy

I felt like shite

I felt like this because I was scared

I was so damn scared and all because of a damn plastic stick!

I tried not to look at the stick that would decide my fate as I sat in the main bathroom of the Slater brothers’ house I focused on the tiled floor and the grout that ce up I counted the tiles and each tiot to ten or eleven before my head automatically turned to look at the counter


I hissed at myself and stilled my movements before I could take a peek I didn’t want to knohat the stupid stick said, but I had to know It was eating away at me and had been for the last hour and a half I looked up at the ceiling and blinked

I wish you were here, Ma

I needed my mother I needed to vent to somebody about the fucked-up day I’d had I sed and picturedto her I told her everything

Today was a pretty eventful day to say the least

It wasday for Keela and Alec They moved out of their box-sized apartment into a beautiful house, directly across fro roup we upheld, ere all drafted to help pack up boxes in the old apartment and then unpack them in the new house

Everyone had souments and a lot of other bullshit to deal with Keela had more bullshit than anyone to deal with

My girl was stressed, and I put it down tobecause that was stressful, but she revealed to ood and it wasn’t just because she was htmares about an incident that happened with her uncle and the brothers thirteen o Keela never liked to talk about what happened I knew the gist of ent down, but not everything I didn’t knohat caused Keela to be so scared scared enough to still be having night terrors so many months later

Her nighth She wasn’t co with their relationship She wanted to enjoy hiet ht away

The kicker?