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"Miss Daley? Open up! I know you're in there, your car is outside in the tenant car park!"

I groaned at the sound of the loud voice, and flicked my eyes open then quickly re-closed them It took a few moments for me to be able to keep them open, and when I could, I couldn't see very well I squinted through the darkness waiting forWhen I could finally see, I quickly narrowedto knock hi off like I'd hoped he only farted and rolled over insloppy kiss on my mouth

"Storm!" I shouted and wiped at my mouth and tried not to heave, but the smell of Storm's breath made that very hard

Storot to his feet, stretched and made some weird noises then proceeded to belly flop on top of asped for air Storm, my two year old German Shepherd, needed to be put on a diet or one of these days the fat baby was going to smother me in my sleep

"Off!" I gasped and shoved at his large body with both of my hands

Storet off the bed, instead he just rolled back over to his side - yes,had a side of the bed - which was just typical The only tily moved was if it was breakfast time, lunch time, dinner time or pretty much any time he knew there would be food in it for him

"You pathetic excuse for a guard dog," I ain

Stor the s before I left my bedroom to proceed down the hallway to open y toys as I walked and cursed the person on the other side of the door for ht for God's sake!

"I'm comin', keep your knickers on!" I shouted when I reachedall the locks There were five of them in total because in the area where I lived, one lock was not enough I switched onthe hall in darkness once again I sighed as I turned to h I was pretty sure I kneas on the other side, I still looked through the peephole just to be safe

When I confirhbour, I unlocked the final lock and pulled it open then harshly glared at the man as stood before me Mr Pervert - his real naed man as the CEO at Perverts 'R Us The man was a major creep, and I hated that I answered the door to hiave hi eyes

"Can I help you, Mr Per-Doyle?" I asked, bitinghim Mr Pervert out loud

He snapped his eyes up fros to my face and cleared his throat as he lifted his hand - a hand that contained one single envelope I simply stared at the envelope for a moment then flicked my eyes up to Mr Pervert and found his eyes weren't on my face anymore I knocked on the outside of ht and ain on mine, I nodded to the envelope in his hand and then raised my brows in a silent question