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She pressed tre she could still taste the smoky flavor of his kiss the first ti brushes of his entle need in hirateful she had been for his restraint as she’d reveled in the new-found passion and love Then that fateful day before he’d left for the war over two years ago, they had run away to their secret grotto and kissed endlessly
Then the sensual glide of his fingertip below her chehs to the secret heart of her womanhood The sweet ache that had tre Every soft touch, every illicit kiss had peeled back her layers of decorum, which had been buried under such strict propriety, to reveal the wanton woman in her
“Are you well, Miss Markham? You seemed flushed”
The devil! His eyes danced with a tender
“Hoonderful you’ve returned in time for the Christ walk through the ed at supper and required the exercise”
“So you took a walk alone in the woods”
That long hich had lasted two hours hadsun and the sudden falling of snow she would probably still be strolling and drea its elusive fragrance in a gesture that felt oddly protective, she continued softly, “Forgive me if I intruded upon a private moment”
“It is a ies are necessary”
She fought the blush rising to her cheeks “I did not know you were to return today or I would have been at the manor to welcome you with everyone” The last letter received froo had stated his intention to be with her and his family for Christmas, but she hadn't been sure he would have made it in time Only now that he was here, she felt terribly unsure of what to do or even expect
He placed one of his hands across his chest, his fingers positioned directly over his heart Then he tapped two fingers twice, the secret code they’d used to co for each other Then he winked Heat and joy exploded through her in equal measure He was the devil himself How he tempted her to be unrestrained and reveal their attachard had remained with her But now…herand adaze She had always dressed neatly, never in the first style of fashion for it was beyond her econolanced at her, he made her feel like the most beautiful woman in a room
The moment seemed to last forever, and yet it was over much too soon
“My presence today was entirely a surprise,” he said glancing back at his mother fondly “I believe I can still hear aze leveled on Primrose once more “I wasn’t sure I’d make it home for Christmas, but it was most important for me to do so”
There was a hidden e in his soft, contemplative answer, and she responded with a faint smile The tension seeped from his shoulders, and he mouthed, I missed you so How she wished she could respond in kind, but unlike him, everyone in the room could see every nuance of her expression And there was a decidedly thoughtful frown on the countess's face
His sister, Primrose’s ward, Lady Annabelle juolden curls bouncing on her shoulders, her green eyes glittering with amusement “I daresay, Brother, Miss Markham misses you as h the s, and I swear I’ve heard the sigh of your name whispered from her lips”
“Annabelle!” The countess said, clearly appalled at the very suggestion of the governess pining after her son “You will excuse estions, Miss Markham”
She flushed “Of course, I’”
It wasn’t that the countess had been unkind or treated Priard In truth, the counte
ss had been very welco and pleasant to her However, she knew of the countess's plan to hter of an earl A lady who had all the right lineage and spotless reputation And a ru thing for Primrose was that she had no notion of how Gabriel felt about the alliance As the second son without property and fortune of his own, surely, he would prefer to marry an heiress instead of an ihter
Do not doubt, she whispered fiercely to herself Gabriel loved her, and he had wanted to declare his intention to his family before he left for the war, but she had asked him to wait until his return There had been a part of her that wanted him to be sure of their attachment, for it had flared so brief and passionate Nor had she wanted to be left alone with his family if they had disapproved
“Will you join us, Miss Markhah he asked politely, she felt the silent command for her to stay