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The Returned Jordan Silver 10950K 2023-08-29


What the hell a? You really stepped in it this tio

So why? How?

I shookout of a stuporThat’s exactly how I felt Like I’d been half asleep at the wheel these past few uilted into this bullshit Now I felt a new kind of guilt

I had the drea out for me but I couldn’t find her in the dark My woman, my heart, my soul

It’s been a while since she ca since I woke up in a cold sith the taste of her still onwith my senses

Even though the drea empty, they were all I had so I welcome them each time they coht I don’t have to wonder too hard as to why that should be

I looked at the wo across from me now, not even a viable substitute No one is, and now I’ to think no one ever will be That’s a damn lie, I always knew that shit

For too long I’ve been willing , even if it was just a flicker of interest Anything to tell

But even now as I look at her all I feel is a deep emptiness That shroud of darkness still enveloped me after all this time Like a black void that I had crawled into and couldn’t find my way back from

Even when I’d finally given in, I knew that this is hoould be Knew that there would be nothing there for her or anyone else And I know that it would be the same today, tomorrow, and fifty years from now