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Chapter One

The firstwas from GoDaddy, and read as follows: “Due to a server breach, the security on your website has been compromised”

Carrie set down her coffeeher blood pressure rise as she waited for her website to load

Compromised? What did that mean?

She was supposed to be finishing the fae for Rita Kauff shoot to plan, not to mention preparation for the annual cherry festival But if her site had been hacked, everything would take a backseat to dae control

Not that she had any idea what that daht look like Or how to control it

Oh, you knohat it ht look like, said a little voice in her head

“Stop it,” she commanded the voice Those pictures had been safely archived and forgotten, years ago Hardly anyone even knew those pictures existed

The spinning icon indicated that the page was loading, loading and still loading

Did it always take this long? Was this the first sign of a proble suit She should have outsourced her website et yet Or, she’d put other things ahead of it Things like groceries And cat food

She went back the GoDaddy e in her inbox

“Please be aware that your private information may have been taken”

As if thereat her from the walls, Carrie looked around her office What kind of private information? Her email list? Passwords?

Banking information? Her sto online, but it was encrypted, which meant it was safe