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I never considered myself to be a player Sure, I appreciated the company of a beautiful woman from time to time, but I never led any of them on I didn’tfor anything ood, hard fuck Never had to I’d always made sure the wo into—a night of the best sex they’d ever had—followed by my immediate exit

Just to be clear, I wasn’t soot as a kid Nothing happened to me in my past that fuckedsome kind of validation or affection to heal my wounded heart I was simply a man who didn’t want any complications I didn’t have time for it and most likely never would

Don’t getif I was ht one to Memphis to party with the brothers of Satan’s Fury While I was there, I’d met a woman who made me question my wicked ways She was beautiful, but it was her spirit and strength that got to me the most For the first time in my life, I’d actually considered a life full of coed to soh to stopto make a play for her, but she was tied to Clay, my president’s nephehichLandry Dawson, I started to wonder if I’d ever find a woman to claim as my own


Loyalty Faith Family Those are the ties that bind I'd never realized just how important those ties were until I joined the Ruthless Sinners MC With thes went south, as I would them No matter the circumstance, our loyalty to one another never wavered We were faer than blood—and I’d never been prouder than the day eant-at-arms I’d always done my best to fulfill ht

The brothers had gathered at Stilettos, the club’s er had just hired The guys were eager to see the fresh ht They looked like kids on Christ and Candy stepped up on the stage The hot blonde was all smiles as she uys started hooting and hollering the second she slipped off her halter top I, on the other hand, just wasn’t into it Don’t get , it wasn’t that I didn’t find Candy attractive, I did Hell, when it came to chicks, it didn’t matter if they were tall, short, thick, or thin, I could find so about all of them

But tonight, I hadlaid I was pissed that I hadn’t heard back from Danny—the club’s supplier He and I needed to have words, and he knew it

I reached into my back pocket for my phone and was about to dial his nu up?”

“Just waiting to hear back from Danny”

No one would ever guess that Axel had a good ten to fifteen years on uy was built like an ox and could take any asshole as stupid enough to go up against him—which was one of the many reasons he was the club’s VP Axel are of the issue with Danny, so I wasn’t surprised when he asked, “You think we should have Shotgun pay him a visit?”

“Definitely” While Stilettos brought in a good bit of cash for the club, it was nothing coht in when they sold coke to our custo Danny for years We’d done our ho for several others in the area, and they’d been pleased with not only his reliability but his product Everyone kneasn’t thethe take from a distributor in Texas, but he’d always been dependable when it ca up with our supply and de to deal with one fuck-up after the next It started with a couple of late deliveries, which quickly progressed into hih for us to walk away, but ere in a bind for ti shipet our hands on