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Saved Kisses Ella Goode 43520K 2023-08-29

Chapter 1


“I hired a new office er,” Sokolov informs me “Make sure she is happy She is to be my new sister-in-law”

Ignoring the bullshit about Sokolov’s lance around the office with its five-foot high stacks of paper everywhere “Then why are you sending her here?”

I’d rather drive a nail through ood at paperwork It’s why I left the army after my last deployment Too much damn paperwork When I joined Sokolov’s team it was to be the head of security I didn’t realize that round checks and administer payroll

“Are you not curious about my wife?”

“No There’s nothing less interesting to me in all this world than your sex life, Sokolov”

He snorts into the phone “Good It is not a thing you should have an interest in But take care of Aht word “Tender”

That’s not the one I thought he’d come up with and it doesn’t sit ith eant, not a daycare aduns and protect bodies here” And sometimes remove dead ones

“I believe in you,” Sokolov says and then hangs up, leaving me to stare at the receiver with irritation

“What’s the matter, boss?” asks Kayla, one of the two ad bad I told you we should throw everything out of the refrigerator The yogurt in there expired a o”

“Sokolov hired a new office er She’ll be here today Go let Brandon know and then—” I shove a hand through my hair in frustration because the office is a hellhole and needs to be tidied up before anyone co and I haven’t had tiet to all this shit

“Then what?”

“Then find the wo out to the field to oversee the new trainees”

“When will you be back?” Kayla asks as I head for the door

“Hopefully never” I wrench it open and grind to a co on the other side of the entrance

There, dressed entirely in red with golden hair, high tits and a heart-shaped rows hard

“Hi I’m Amethyst Collins” She sticks out her hand

I take it, but only becauseoff her red suit withher down on the nearest paper-covered flat surface and fucking her brains out Mine, too, while we’re at it Amethyst must be the full name since Sokolov called her Amie

“This is Greyson and I’les by er Welcome”

“Thanks” Aers I don’t let go because there’s no point when I’s again “U my hand”

“I know” I look down at Kayla “Have you finished clearing a space for Ms Collins yet?”

“No We just got done talking about her,” Kayla replies “Pay no attention to Greyson He’s terrible at this sort of stuff Put a gun in his hand and it’s a whole different story”

“That’s good information to know,” Amie says but in a tone that implies she could care less

“You’re okay with guns and stuff, right? Because we’re a security firm There’s a lot of hardware around” Kayla searches Amie’s face

“I’ivesonce-over—“who are the problerip and then shoulders by me into the disastrous office

“Yeah, so, we’re kind of going through a transition,” Kayla hurries to explain

“The transition froes of so in the whole big mess

“It’s not that bad,” I say, strolling back into the room

“I thought you were going to the field,” Kayla chirps

“And I thought you wanted to keep your job,” I retort

“And so I should shut ers across her lips

Amie sends me another scornful look “Is that how you treat your subordinates? No wonder Sokolov hired e this company”

“I don’t think she likes you very much,” Kayla whispers in ?”

“What thing?” Amie asks because Kayla’s whispers are about as quiet as an elephant’s stole

“It’s not a thing” I gently move Kayla aside so that I can join Amie in the et it done”

“We need about ten more people in here and for you to tellis that I should be concerned about”

“There’s no thing Kayla was lare but, predictably, Kayla ignores me

“Greyson’s kind of a terrible people person We could hire ten more people today but they would all quit Half the reason that there’s such a big mess in here is because Brandon and I are the only ones that can tolerate Greyson and that’s mostly because we don’t take him seriously He’s all bark and no bite”

Oh, I bite, I think, looking at the curve of Aine how delectable her flesh would be as I closed my teeth around that plu awesome

“Since I’er that shouldn’t be a problem Individuals with poor people skills should reo to herever it is that they are needed the most” Amie waves a cute hand in my direction

I foldanywhere Suddenly, I love paperwork

Chapter 2
