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Fuck off


The longest blonde hair caught the wind, splayed wildly and fuckingof a wooden raee ju in earlypull-ups for the day

She wasn’t Doing pull-ups for the fucking day, I meant

She just couldn’t stop

And I kept thinking, this girl is off her fucking hinges

We stood near the back of the bungee line, and as she peered over the railing again, she lifted her hips onto it, hanging her head further down

Fucking A

When everyone bailed on bungee ju, all but Daisy, I didn’t think she’d pretend to be a bird and crawl over the railing I had no clue what sixteen-year-olds usually did, but for soht she would’ve co line or lack of cellphone reception

I’d only known her for short spurts of ti to understand who she was at her core

6:30 an country

My first real time alone with Daisy Calloway Without her sisters or my brother present

Andissue: in the back of ht, that looks like fucking fun

And then, any farther over that railing and I’ her

I rebounded betanting to protect her and wanting to do crazy shit with her I tried to block out whatever thoughts continued to churn, and I just went on impulse

“What the fuck are you doing, Calloway?” I sidled next to her and rested my hand on her shoulder, but I didn’t pull her down I leaned ainst the wooden barrier and saw the answer in her green eyes

She perused the landscape, as though appreciating the expansive view of Cancun, Mexico The current location of e, she tagged along to spend time with her older sisters, ere all happy by her presence

Daisy tucked a flyaway strand of hair behind her ear “They’reout”

“They won’t fucking think so” Most of them didn’t want to wake up this early, and Lily was too scared of heights to even contemplate the idea

The linea hand through my unkempt brown hair

She finally irls come with you?” she asked

My expression stayed in the sauely, treading the line between the sexual innuendo and the safer space

Daisy set her feet on the ra question, there was true intrigue behind her eyes and some confusion that I couldn’t read past “So you’ve never had a girl not come with you?”

My head pounded, and I rubbed my lips “Move, Daisy”

I enty-two

She was sixteen

I would’ve never—in a fucking e of Daisy, but I always had a hard ti my mouth when so ways This wouldn’t have been the first time I talked to her about sex, but I worried that she would’ve start

ed relating these conversations to ht about her in a sexual way

Daisy skipped up the ra “I was just curious” She glanced at y on her face “Sorry”

“You don’t have to fucking apologize for asking ”

We stopped again, the line at a standstill Her hair flew in every direction, and she tilted her head, like she struggled to rephrase her first question Daisy’s expression could be su core, I wanted to help her I just hoped I could

“What’s eating at you?” I asked

“Mosquitos” She wafted invisible bugs She always tried to lighten thesour by her own hand

My jaw hardened “What’s fucking bothering you?” I didn’t fucking care about whether or not the air tensed or discomfort passed between us I just cared about her

“Nothing” It’s not nothing

I rubbed my eyes in annoyance “Daisy—”

“It’s not a big deal” She wore that uncertainty again

“Yeah? Why do you look like you need to throw up?”

She crossed her ar ht?” She’d reminded me of that before “Are you like this with everyone?”

Only people I care about “Look, I’ ive it to me, Calloway” I waved her on

Her lips lifted a fraction “Do you want it hard or soft?”

“Hard as you want to fucking go”

A gust of hipped her hair in her face, blonde strands sticking to her th hair, and so I helped corunted in irritation at the tangled mess

“Give estured to her hair tie

She snapped it off her wrist, and I collected her fucking hair, putting it in the hed in relief before I even finished

I stepped back one foot “You asked irl not co matter to you?”

“It’s not about you personally,” she said quickly

“I never thought it was”

Her brows scrunched, her expression fucking killingwrong withpause

My jaw locked Nothing’s fucking wrong with you; the words sat like a pit in my throat

“Orwith the guys I’ve been with” She then hiked herself on the railing, sitting and swinging her legs

At six-three, her than hers, so I stared dohile she looked up at me I would’ve sat next to her, but I wanted to meet her eyes