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Sig ground his teeth, hoping it would help drown out the noise The bed squeaking The thurunts of the s


He’d heard it for years Ever since he could remember

He’d peeked in on the to know better Not understanding as going on


He’d quietly open the door just a crack and put his eye to the sliver of space


Wondering why thethose noises

Why this happened so often

But it did A lot

Anytime his father wasn’t around

Which was also a lot

But he knew his father would co was in bed, and do the sa to his mother, too

Only there wasn’t as much noise At least on his mother’s part

He’d also watched them a couple times

Then one day he realized what they were doing

What it all meant

And for a while, he had a hard ti his mother in the face

A long time

Eventually, he learned what they were doing because he’d watch the sa happen in front of everyone at the warehouse, which was the Blood Fury’s church, the clubhouse for his father’s MC

Other women Other men Lots of them

He’d even seen his father do it right out in the open to women eren’t his mother

Right there

In front of everyone

He wasn’t the only one In fact, sometimes there was a line-up All his father’s club brothers Sticking their dicks into the same woman as she was held down on a table or over a barrel And she’d be s them

At least most of them Not all