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Step Demands Nikki Wild 41610K 2023-08-29


I’d just done it, hadn’t I? It all seepoint How had this happened? How did I let him fuck me? Oh God… What would our parents say???

My mind drifted back It had all happened so fast…

"So I'll see you bright and early toht Melanie?"

"Of course you will, Moht at eight"

"And you're closing the shop for the day?"

I sighed "Yes mother," I promised

"Good, I don't want you worrying about it all day either You're my maid-of-honor, I need your full attention"

"Of course, Mom"

I could hear my mother's soing to be Karen Nolan Mrs Dean Nolan! I' married, Melanie, can you believe it?"

I looked up fro on for the entire conversation and stared out the plate glass front ofthe sidewalks, seeh my door

"No I can't, Mom!" I exhaled "I'm so happy for you, I really am Dean is a catch"

"He is, isn't he?" My mother lowered her voice to a conspiratorial whisper "The things that man kno to do in bed"

"Mother!" I squealed "Please don't!"

"Oh coroomen"

"I know, but I don't like hearing about it It's weird that ets more action than I do"

"Oh Melanie, ," my mother said sympathetically

"Thanks Mom," I said sarcastically "Listen, I close in about fifteenup my drawer"

"Okay sweetie Hope youup without saying goodbye I stared at the phone for a ister

There was nothing to count up because I hadn't h my door in the full ten hours I was open today

And the paper I had been doodling on? A past due notice on my business loan

I knehen I opened the place that I was taking a risk The rest of the students in n houses We kept in touch after college and all of them complained to raduation

Me, I did things differently I wanted toand tailor shop suited my talents beautifully I was a whizz with a needle and thread, and could whip up gorgeous custo aspect, while not quite as interesting to n clients I thought a steady stream of hems and alterations would be my bread and butter

Sixto show for it Well… Nothing except a gorgeously decorated empty shop and a pile of past-due notices

"For fuck's sake, people, doesn't anyone want so passers-by

But no one ca to myself

With a heavy sigh, I turned to the back roo I turned off the beautiful antique steam iron, checked to see that the reservoir was filled with distilled water and double-checked the sewing machines I hadn't needed to turn them on, so why did I think I needed to turn them off? I wasn't sure

"I guess that's it then," I spoke to the e ti around until the bitter end To; I could use the time to mentally prepare

I grabbed the keys to the front door fro ridiculous

Just then I heard the bell over the door jingle "Hello?" called a breathless male voice

I darted around the corner just in ti onto the it I saw the telltale logo of a luxury department store so fancy we didn't even have it in this small, provincial city

"Are you still open?" the man asked

I openedstopped reen eyes Maybe it was the way his dark blond hair was the color of burned honey Maybe it was the hopeful smile that played about his ridiculously kissable lips

Maybe I was just desperate for male attention? That was probably it

"Yes we are," I smiled back at him "What can I do for you?"

He unzipped the garht this for ht size I just tried it on in my hotel roo taken in"

"Sure, I can do that, no probleratitude out of my voice "When do you need it by?"

He fixed ret played about his lips "To"

I froze with my pen in mid-air "Seriously?"

"Yes," he shot me rueful look "I know it's a lot, but if you can fit me in, I'll make it worth your while"

I was still frozen Moht in the"I'm sorry, it's just not possible"

He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a wallet that cost more than my car, then pulle

d out a wad of bills "I'm desperate," he told me

I sed hard The stack of bills would keep et you changed"

"Thank you," he breathed, turning to look around estured to the curtained off corner I used as a changing room

He was going to be the first person that went in there in weeks "Yes!" I s him as he turned and went over The broad sweep of his shoulders in his button-down shirt was doing strange things to ht punch of his butt as it was outlined in his jeans

Taking in the crotch of his suit was going to be quite appealing

I licked my lips as he closed the curtain, then forcibly turned ed I leafed through old orders so that he would hearbusy and not think I was quite as pathetic as I actually was The rustling noises in the changing rooe of his naked body popping right to the forefront of my brain

Several moments went by without any more noises "Are you okay in there?" I called

There was a soft curse and then a low, slow, chuckle "I feel ridiculous," he called out

"I'm sure I've seen worse," I reassured him "I'm a professional"

"What's you name?" he asked, quite suddenly

"Melanie," I croaked, confused

"Hi Melanie, I'm Lance," he yelled from behind the curtain "I felt like we should know each other before you see me like this

He drew back the curtain and I had to catch ainst the back of o buy another one, but this is the style I'm supposed to wear"

"Wedding?" I nodded