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The second I walked into the dining hall, I kneas there As Ito chat and smile with all the residents, I could sense his presence I resisted looking over, but still I flushed with an electric thrill

I tookabout their pets They were allowed to have ss at the Cavallo Canyon Retireot spoiled So the animals and their owners happy As a nurse’s aide, plenty of things keptup peoples’ days made it all hile

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed hie, e of a ht out ofMrs DeMarco She’d co hall without her walker and needed assistance Slower than a snail’s pace, hand to her elbow, Jax ushered her to a chair Be stillheart

I’d figured I randfather, Ace, had moved in, Jax usually visited every Monday Not that I was paying attention OK, I was paying attention But I shouldn’t be paying that much attention I was married

“There’set to see you today” Ace rose froreet a lady He’d explained that to me more than once

But it didn’t stop ain “Ace! Don’t you get up on my account” I tried to shoo him back into his seat

“You look gorgeous today, as always” He was such a flatterer I wore my schlumpy scrubs as usual But Ace sported a tweed hat, the kind of flat cap with a bri in an Irish pub

“You’re rocking that hat” I tapped the briave him a thumbs up

“You want to try it on?” He offered it to hed and shook my head no

“Hey, Sky” As he rejoined the table, Jax’s voice rolled out, deep and sexy

I cleared my throat “Hi” I didn’t meet his eyes I kneas adolescent, but I couldn’t help myself The way he said randfather standing right there, soht and just the two of us

“You knohat today is?” Ace sounded like he had a big, exciting secret

“January 23rd?” I s he liked it when I was a little bit sassy

“Smarty-pants Yes, it is, which just happens to be my one year anniversary here”

“Congratulations” I actually had known that already He’d told me last week, and asin the staff roo planned

“I did not want to move here, let me tell you” He went on to repeat what he’d explained several times before, and what I’d heard from so many residents No one wanted to lose their independence But then, once they were at Cavallo Canyon, they realized it wasn’t such a bad place

“It’s because of randson that I’m here, you know Jax You’vethe ridiculous blush that flamed my cheeks Yes, I’d met Hercules

“How you doing today?” Jax asked me with heavy-lidded eyes and a slow smile

“Med with the rest of the people in the dining hall? Gone I flushed I staiven the fact that Jax never said or did anything inappropriate No ht about it

“He’s all right, this one” Ace bragged on his grandson “This kid didn’t groith a silver spoon, let old”

“OK, Ace” Jax chuckled good-naturedly, rubbing his hand over his closely-cropped head I wanted to do that h stubble of his hair, the smooth nape of his neck, the broad slope of his shoulders

“Kid, I got an idea for you” Morty anature plaid jacket I wondered if any stores sold sportcoats like that anyht themselves in a mosh pit over it

“Hey, Morty” Jax offered his father’s friend a chair, but he waved it off

“Got an idea for your bar” Jax owned a place don, Ace Bar and Grill I’d been there once, with my husband Mike when I’d first moved to Cavallo Back then, Mike had takenme to every brother in his motorcycle club, the Sacrificial Skulls That e used to go out a lot together Not so much anymore

I didn’t think Jax reh He never mentioned it Just like he never mentioned Mike

“We watched a ht,” Morty continued “Have you seen it? School for the Old”

“Don’t think I’ve heard of that” Jax shook his head

“I think you h Ace had reco hit

“Yeah, I’ve seen Old School” Now Jax was sht need to think about90 in a 30ho

w Jax looked when he so without a ticket

“So here’s what you do at your bar There was a scene about it in the ” I was glad I wasn’t drinking anything or I ht have spit it out Jax’s place wasn’t exactly an upscale wine bar, but KY wrestling would take it to a whole new level

“That’s the ticket,” Morty insisted

“I’ll give it solanced at h

“Say, you got anything for me today?” Ace looked at me expectantly

“Ito him to keep the secret