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Chapter One
Northern England
"My lady!"
That anxious cry lance around Heracross the kitchens toward her, expression both angry and worried It was a co what her stepot up to now, Evelinde quickly promised Cook they would finish their discussion of menus later, and went to meet her maid
Mildrede caught her hands the ri for you "
Evelinde grimaced Edda only sent for her when she was in one of her foulher unfortunate stepdaughter For onea task away from the keep for the rest of the day However, that would only make the woman's mood—and the subsequent abuses—worse
"I had best go see what she wants then," Evelinde said and squeezed Mildrede's hands reassuringly beforepast her
"She's s on her heels
Evelinde paused with her hand on the door to the great hall, trepidation running through her A s It usually meant Evelinde was about to suffer Not that the wos, tasks so unpleasant one would al her lip orry, she asked, "Do you knohat has set her off this time?"
"Nay," Mildrede said apologetically "She was railing at Mac for not paer arrived froe, smiled, and called for you "
"Oh," Evelinde breathed faintly, but then forced her shoulders straight, raised her head, and pushed through the door It was the only thing she could do … That and pray that someday, she would be free of her stepmother's control and abuses
"Ah, Evelinde!" Edda was indeed s smile that really didn't bode well
"I was told you wished to speak withat her back The wo Edda's little attacks
"Aye " Edda continued to flash a wide, toothy sood a description The wo were brown and crooked Edda rarely sh to show off the state of herso now made Evelinde's anxiety increase tenfold
"Since your father's death, seeing to your welfare has fallen to me, and I have been , an
Evelinde ed not to sneer at the claioodWhen Henry III had requested he marry the troubleso a nuisance of herself, her father had bowed to the task gracefully Edda had not She'd resented being tied to a man who held only a barony and had see d'Aumesbery
It hadn't been so bad at first With the presence of Evelinde's father and her brother, Alexander, Edda had at least behaved cordially to her However, Alexander had ridden off to join the Crusades with Prince Edward three years earlier While the prince had since returned and been crowned king on his father's death, Alexander was still in Tunis Worse yet, no sooner had he left than their father died of a chest complaint
James d'Aumesbery hadn't even been placed in the family crypt before Edda dropped any pretense at civility and let her true feelings show These last three years had been a hell Evelinde feared she would never escape Her only hope was to await her brother's hoht see her married and settled far away from the woman Unfortunately, Alexander seemed in no rush to return
"I have decided 'tis well past tirees with me "
"Shedecided you should ree," Mildrede h that Edda couldn't hear "You don't think she'd willingly give up tor you It's her favorite pastime "
Evelinde barely heard herPart of her feared it was siet her hopes up, then dash them
"And so I chose a husband for you, and the king negotiated a randly "I have just received a e that 'tis all done You will be married "
Evelinde si there was more Edda would either explain it was all a jest, or name some perfectly horrid, smelly old lord that Evelinde would surely be miserable with
"Your betrothed is on his way here from his home even as we speak He is the laird of Donnachaidh," she announced triu it Don-o-kay
Evelinde gasped This orse than a smelly old lord, this was—" the Devil of Donnachaidh? "
Edda's expression was full of evil glee "Aye, and I wish you all the unhappiness in the world "
"Bitch," Mildrede hissed furiously from behind Evelinde
Ignoring her ed to force away the horror and dismay and keep her features expressionless She would not add to Edda's pleasure by revealing how deep this blow had struck The Devil of Donnachaidh? The wo to hand her over to that infamous Scottish laird
"Now be gone," Edda said, apparently having had her fun "I do not wish to look on you anymore "
Evelinde nodded stiffly and turned, catching Mildrede by the arreat hall and the keep itself
"Cow!" Mildrede snapped, as soon as the keep doors closed behind them
Evelinde ed her quickly across the bailey toward the stables
"Vile, ugly, cruel creature," Mildrede continued "She has a heart of stone and a face toforced your father to marry that she-devil "
Evelinde flashed Mac, the stable ed Mildrede into the stables and saw her mount saddled and ready next to the reddish brown roan he favored
"I saw the se," the stable ht need a ride when she was done with ye "
"Aye Thank you, Mac " Evelinde urged Mildrede up to the mare
"Your father rave," the maid snarled, as Evelinde boosted her up onto the mount
With a little help fro herself up onto the horse behind the older woman as she continued her rant "And your dear saintedshe was still alive so she could tear the wench's hair out one mud brown strand at a time "
Evelinde put her heels to her e her into a canter, aware Mac hadclose behind
"I should poison the nasty harpy's mead," Mildrede threatened, as they rode across the bailey at a sedate canter, heading for the gate and drawbridge "Every single inhabitant of the keep would be grateful for it She's the , coldhearted, mealy-wormed—Ack!"
Evelinde smiled faintly at her squawk They'd reached the halfway point on the drawbridge, and she'd given Lady her head The mare immediately tossed her mane with a whinny of joy and bolted into a dead run Evelinde didn't bother to look behind to check on Mac; she kneould be keeping up Besides, her hands were full with keeping her seat and holding on to the reins as Mildrede began clawing at her as if she thought she ht slide out of the saddle
Only when Mildrede's grip
began to weaken did Evelinde draw gently on her mare's reins Lady responded at once, used to this routine Every ti cruel or mean, Mildrede lost her temper, and Evelinde took her for a ride to prevent her froht see her punished
Once Lady slowed to a sedate canter again, Mac urged his own horse up beside them and raised an eyebrow, but Evelinde just shook her head She had no desire to explain Edda's "happy news " It would just upset Mildrede all over again, and she was distressed enough herself Rather than waste her ti her maid, she wished time to herself to think over the situation
"You can turn around now," Mildrede said "I' to the vile creature 'Tis a waste anyway I' special in store for her when she finally dies Though 'twould be nicer for all of us did she do so soon "
Evelinde y to respond Instead, she drew her horse to a stop and glanced toward the stable master "Will you see her home, Mac?"
"Ye'll no return then?" he asked with concern
"Not right now I should like a moment to myself first "
Mac hesitated, but then nodded and easily lifted Mildrede from Lady's back to place her on his own horse The man was not very tall and had a wiry build, but he was surprisingly strong
"Don't go ht run into trouble," he warned "And don't stay out here too long, or I'll co "
Evelinde nodded, then watched them head back toward the castle at aout The way he kept bending his head to Mildrede told her the wo what had taken place and as still to occur
Marriage To the Devil of Donnachaidh
Evelinde sed back the fear that immediately clawed its way up her throat She turned her horse away, heading for a nearby clearing she favored The spot was sside an area of the river with a shtful just the same