Page 44 (1/2)
Sebastian plowed a hand through his hair, his pale stare never wavering fro Hatred and fear rolled in his stoer contents of his lunch The Benz’s stiff leather steering wheel creaked beneath his tightening grasp One way or another, he was going to have to push thoughts of Project Blue aside He was going to have to fight through the sickness knotting his gut, and he was going to have to face Marx without letting the sed breath, he pulled the key fronition with a rueful shake of his head He’d never been one to shirk his responsibilities or push them aside, but after seven years of service, the prospect of stepping inside SKALS headquarters had never felt
His shoulders sluainst the rey walls would close in around him Today, it felt as if the bleached concrete complex would s him whole Sebastian scrubbed a hand over his face and tried to pull hiether Death waited for no one here It prowled the gri its victims at will He held no illusions One solitary round Here here evil felt most at home
A cold chill rippled down his ar washed over his skin After nodding at the guards stationed inside, he h the dimly lit labyrinth, his body on autopilot So distraction, he fished out his phone and scrolled through hiswith an accusing text e
Where the hell are you, Baas? Call me back
Brow knitting with his frown, he keyed in a quick response
I’m here now What do you want?
He shot the guard stationed outside his office a cursory glance Tension hu man, and his expression was more anxious than usual Their eyes locked and Sebastian knew Marx loo a deep breath, he pushed it open, his narrowed gaze riveting on the broad span of the director’s back as he helped himself to a turunt before turning His full lips quirked at the corners, accenting the contented gleam in his eyes
“There you are,” he said, his deep voice rolling like a low peal of thunder through the roo to bother showing up today”
“Why wouldn’t I?” Sebastian asked, shutting the door behind hi Marx a wide berth, he strolled across his office and thuh the new stack of papers piled on the corner of his desk
“It’s hard to tell with you lately, Baas You see as you please Where were you?”
Careful to keep his expression neutral, he studied the coe his , escaped the director’s attention Marx was fully aware he’d spent thethe dark pits of his eyes said ashis attention, Sebastian straightened the paperwork before rounding the corner and stationing hi from the impact Project Blue had delivered to his system, and it was best to keep as much distance between them as possible until he had a chance to process that information and cool down
“Skip the interrogation, Marx,” he said flatly “You know the answer to that as well as I do”
“Indeed, I do,” the director agreed “What I would like to knohat you were doing there?”
“I was following up on the case It wasyou wanted Patrick Jaiven her treater to assist”
“I see,” Marx stated He lifted a heavy brow “And was she?”
“She’s working on it”
Marx’s broad shoulders jerked in a show of aentle reent Baas There are rules and protocols to be followed, one of which is not running off on renegade missions of your own The next time you feel the need to follow up on information, clear it with me and be sure to take one of your teaent Reevers that I should be aware of?”
Sebastian’s eyes constricted into thin slits upon seeing the look of satisfaction dancing across the coy face Obviously, that kind of discord was exactly what the bastard was hoping for The prick didn’t even bother trying to mask his optimism He felt the musc
les along his jaw jue bubbled through his veins
“Sorry to disappoint you,” he bit out, “but not that I know of”
He stiffened as the door flung open without warning and shoved thearded his partner
Josh’s chest heaved as his bewildered gaze darted between the, he scrubbed a hand across his nape Uncertainty replaced soles of his partner’s face
“Can we help you, Agent Reevers?” Marx asked with e of sarcasm
“I just…what are you doing here, Baas?”
His normally smooth baritone was strained, incredulous Sebastian’s broered and knitted in confusion
“Where else would I be?” he asked
“Perhaps you’ve forgotten how to knock, Joshua OrEither way, I suggest you re useful to occupy your time,” Marx interrupted
“Now, Reevers!”
The co Sebastian flinched, unable to help the grimace that rose with the renewed throb behind his sinuses So haunted Josh’s eyes as they locked with his froe of curiosity as helplessness and frustration played across his partner’s face like a kaleidoscope before he departed with a slow shake of his head The uneasy feeling returned full force Whatever it was, it was i His heart stutter-stopped in his chest
Had so happened to his sister or one of the kids? His piercing gaze swung to their director and narrowed in question What the hell was Marx trying to hide this time?
It was hard to ta what he did Marx’s power trip wasn’t just threatening his family this time around It was life and the entire world, as he knew it His fingers bit deep into the back of the padded office chair to keep froun
“You need to get your men under control”
Clenching his jaw, Sebastian forced a stiff nod