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"Okay, that's enough!" the pilot barked "In your seats, belts on Everyone!"
"Or what?" Sam said "You'll pull over and make us walk the rest of the way?" She shook the mayor's shoulder "Uncle Phil?"
Mayor Tillson's head lolled Nicole shrieked and fumbled with her belt I pressed my hand to the mayor's neck
"Is he all right?" the pilot said, sounding concerned now
"He's breathing," I said
"Could it be a heart attack?" Sam asked
Before I could answer, the pilot cursed and said, yes, that must be it, with the stress and all, and the et a doctor on the helipad right away
"Wh-what?" Nicole said, scra over Rafe "Did he say heart attack?"
"If it is, we'll get help," I said as Corey pulled her back
The pilot was on the radio to his dispatcher, filling hi at us to sit down
I moved in front of the e up beside his chair, Daniel nudged her toward our seats Anyone else, she'd have told hio to hell, but she listened to Daniel
"Maya can help," Nicole said when the pilot tried sending me back to my seat "She knows first aid She runs a hospital"
"For animals," Hayley said
Corey told her to shut up, but she had a point My dad was the local park ranger, and I had a rehabilitation shed for nursing injured anih, and the basics of dealing with a heart attack victih, under the circuive the victim an aspirin That wouldn't hile he was unconscious But as he unconscious? I rens, but not sustained lack of consciousness
We had to get him to a doctor and, until then, I could only presume it was heart failure and perfor
I unbuttoned the mayor's shirt When Nicole inched forward, the pilot snapped at her, and Corey told hilanced at Daniel
"Nicole," Daniel said, "I know you're worried, but he's okay He's breathing and we're looking after hi's under control"
It didn't matter that Daniel barely raised his voice and the pilot's shouting and the noise of the helicopter almost drowned hi the mayor's hand
"We need to get hi down," I said "If it's cardiac arrest, his heart "
"Then you aren't perfor soon"
I laid ainst the , but fluttery Was that a sign of a heart attack? As I moved back, I saw a spot of blood on the shoulder of his shirt, where we'd peeled his jacket away I re into the helicopter
"We need to get his jacket off," I said