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I woke towe'd broken up only two uy's apartuy wasn't the one I was currently dating In my defense, I was on the couch

My first thought was not Answer the damned phone, Olivia It was of a letter froht before I went to sleep, which had not been conducive to good dreaan I reached for nore A moment later, a shadow loomed over me

Gabriel picked up e I should take it"

"Um, my cell? My ex?"

"Your stalker, too"

I looked up Gabriel is at least six-four and kno to use his size to his advantage Hence the loo

When I nodded, he listened to the hts of Jaan when I found out my real parents were convicted serial killers The ride had ulti in the aparto's most notorious defense attorneys My lawyer My boss And, though I'd never dare say it in front of him, my friend

Gabriel Walsh doesn't have friends He has resources: people who can be exploited and used I'd like to think I'm an exception, but I don't push my luck

"Ja to the e

"The car crash?"

"Yes, but I believe he's more concerned about the crazed killer who caused the crash and held you at gunpoint"

"Oh, that"

"A minor point, but it seems to bother him"

"Unreasonably so"

"Agreed Coffee?"

I rose and started for the kitchen "I'll make it You were in that accident, too, and hurt a lot worse than "

Hecongenial host; it was hi ht was the first tiht anyone up here His apartment His private domain

"If you'd rather I didn't stay--" I began

"I invited you"